Thursday, April 21, 2022

Make Your Doorjams Shake

The work is moving forward here! Our schedule continues to be impossibly full. There are not enough hours in the day to do everything!

We have a whiteboard that we plan for the week on and on it we always put "our big people", the people we are teaching or are close to teaching. When I got here, there were four. Now there are twelve! It's so awesome to see how the work is moving forward and how I am a part of it!

We had a miracle lesson the other day! My comps met Britney in the park while I was on exchanges with another Sister. Then we went back to the park to talk with her. We didn't even have a lesson plan—the plan was just to teach her something about the gospel. But as soon as we brought up religion, she had a ton of questions! We taught her the Word of Wisdom, the Plan of Salvation, and the Restoration. In that order. It was an awesome conversation. We gave her a Book of Mormon and we're gonna meet with her again tomorrow!

We also put Tabitha on date!! She has decided to follow Christ's footsteps and be baptized on July 30th!! She's gonna get married to her fiance Michael on the 4th (my favorite holiday), then get baptized a couple Saturdays later!

This week Sister Brower and I have been training! We got our new missionary. Her name is Sister Adams. She's awesome. She's really tall and really ready to do the work. We are having a blast as a companionship and doing the work together!

When we were doing service for this lady named Dee the other day, we found a little lizard with a bright blue tail that Dee told us is called a skink. I think my mom had a skink when she was a kid... I totally didn't know what it was though. Apparently a lizard. Naturally I caught it... what else do you do with a lizard? We took some pictures, then like a half hour later, Sister Adams ended up with one in her pants somehow. 😂 She was like, "I think I have a bug in my pants," then pulled out a skink! It was like three times as big as the one we had caught earlier. Great story for her third day in the field.

Something cool I found in my study this week. I've been chugging along through the Libro de Mormon and I was actually getting to the point where I could read it relatively quickly and understand what I was reading. THEN I got to the Isaiah chapters and that went out the window. I'm going so slow now. But I am learning a lot. I'm understanding Isaiah WAY better than I ever have before in my life because I have the opportunity to read it in two languages and compare what it says. So here is something I found the other day.

2 Nephi 16:4 talks about how once you recognize the glory of God, the posts of your door will move. In Spanish it says that your doorjambs will shake. I think both of those have such a cool meaning! Once you realize that God is real, the posts of your door move. Literally the whole direction of your life changes. Your life may have been facing one direction, but when you realize the magnitude of Christ's sacrifice, your life can't be the same after that.

And your doorjambs shake! The things that are blocking you from progressing just crumble. A solid testimony of Christ helps you move past difficult roadblocks, no matter how big they seem. It was also cool to read this scripture the day after Tabitha agreed to get baptized. She wants to, but at the same time she is not completely sure it's what is right for her yet. And then I read this scripture saying that once you have a testimony of Christ's power, your doorjambs, the things stopping you from entering in through the door—in other words the strait gate (3 Nephi 13:14)—just lose their ability to hinder you!

You are guys all awesome. Keep building your testimonies on the Rock, our Savior who loves us and went through unimaginable agony for us. Read the Book of Mormon—it's the truest book in existence.

Con amor! 

Hermana Cazier

(There are no descriptions of the pictures this time around, but I think you can figure them out.)

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