Thursday, April 21, 2022

The Work is Full of Miracles

Another awesome week!! Happy Easter everyone! Christ the Lord is risen!!

Definitely the coolest thing this week was when we fasted that the people we were teaching would come to church. And three inactive families and two nonmembers came! It was so awesome! Sitting in Sacrament meeting and watching them walk in one after another was so awesome! Fasting is powerful. One of the nonmembers who came was Tabitha, who we put on date to get baptized last week. She hasn't been to church in months. But when she came yesterday, about 15 minutes late, another girl in the ward about her age ran to the door to greet her! It was so heartwarming to see members reaching out to visitors to make them feel like they can come and see and come and stay! 

Another miracle story happened with Betty. About a month ago Betty referred herself, and even though we keep trying, we had never met her. She lives in this sketchy trailer park, and apparently the landlord freaks out if anyone has "church people" over. The first two times we tried, the timing just ended up being really weird and other people were near her door when we walked up, so both times they told Betty we were here and she told them to tell us she didn't want visitors. So we hadn't actually seen her, but we had been texting her. Her texts go back and forth between bring very depressing and suicidal and talking about how much she wants to meet with us because she knows Jesus is the only person who can pull her out of it. So we didn't want to give up on her.

Saturday night we were near Betty's house and there were two options of people we could visit. Betty or a different inactive family. We didn't have a ton of time so we talked about which one we should go to. And all of us were kinda thinking, do we really want to go back to that sketchy trailer park in the dark? And I opened my mouth but what came out was, "I really think we should go visit Betty." I gave like three reasons too, that were not in my head until I opened my mouth. So we went and visited Betty, and we actually got to meet her! We prayed with her and set up a time to meet with her again at the diner across the street so that she won't get in trouble when we teach her.

Also we were teaching this one lady named Sarah and we told her about the Book of Mormon and she was like, "I don't know about this book." Then Sister Adams (who's been out in the field for a week and a half) bore probably the most powerful testimony I have ever heard about the truth of the Book of Mormon! The Spirit was so strong. When she finished, she invited Sarah to read the Book of Mormon and she said yes. It was such a cool moment! She's going out of town for a week and a half but hopefully we'll be able to continue teaching her when she gets back.

As for fun things that happened this week, we played Settlers of Catan, put out a fire outside our apartment, and had a Crack Off. My family does a Crack Off every year. It's a big competition where we roll hardboiled eggs together. Only one cracks each time, so we have this whole double elimination bracket and we do it every year. I convinced the Sisters in my zone to do it and we had a great time cracking eggs. I happened to win (clearly because I've been practicing my egg rolling skills my whole life 😉). We took a video and I haven't watched it yet but it's probably terrible quality. I'll attach it though. We'll see if it works cuz it's like 6 minutes long. (Don't get excited...I didn't include it.)

Have a great week everyone! Don't forget how true the gospel is and how much I love all of you!

Hermana Cazier


I sucked at taking pictures this week so I just have a few with members and a selfie we took with some dinosaurs. There are a bunch of random metal sculptures of dinosaurs and bigfoots out in this one part of our area and I want to get more pictures with them eventually.

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