Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Senior Trip Day 6 - Homeward Bound

Today was all about the car. We got up by 8 and Joanna took all the food out and you could eat anything you wanted. Then we packed and cleaned. It took us a while, but not as long as it could have. The kids did a great job. There was sweeping and garbages out. Oscar seemed to have the most stuff scattered around, but we got everyone in the car before 10. Goodbye amazing beach house. It has been so fun. What a great vacation.

Oh! The skittles. The girls had been leaving skittles all over the place, mainly in the boys area. The guys would find them on their pillows, in their shoes, and balanced in strange places. I think Hannah picked up a whole bunch and offered them to the boys. Weirdly, they declined. Who doesn't like a warm skittle?

Tyler decided to drive. Sort of to be away from everyone. But also because he’s good at it. I sat in front and honestly was pretty bored. I can’t hear what is going on back there or comment. I listened to a lot of my audio book and made sure Tyler was going the right way. I took a detour that saved us 2 hours supposedly. Nice. I don’t need extra hours in the car.  

Tyler drove a long way. We stopped briefly but the kids didn’t want to eat out for lunch. They decided to snack in the car and then eat a bigger meal later. So we trekked along some more.

We stopped for dinner in St. George. The kids chose Chuck-a-Rama. Everyone was happy to eat and maybe to sit. We had been sitting a lot. Katie even ran into someone she knew...what are the chances? She had a friend show up named Ranse. Random that he would be there, but super cool that they ran into each other.

The last leg of the trip, Joanna drove. And we finally arrived back where we started. Funny how that works. We arrived back in town at 10:30 pm. Robyn picked us up and although all the kids were in bed, we gave kisses all around and called it the Best Senior Trip Ever. (It's actually the only Senior Trip I've been on, and that makes it the best!)

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