Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Another Email from Hermana Cazier

Hey all! This is uncharacteristic of me, I know, but I actually don't have much to say this week. It was a pretty slow week. Lots of cancellations. Facebook work is slow and somewhat discouraging.

We did have a lesson with our friend Tom who kind of goes back and forth between sounding pretty interested and not responding to our texts for days. He agreed to read the Book of Mormon though. Maybe he will.

We also had an awesome lesson with our one investigator who is actually excited about learning more. We answered her questions about the 116 pages and we're planning on teaching her the Plan of Salvation this week!

I spoke in Sacrament meeting yesterday. That was fun. I actually enjoy speaking in Sacrament meeting as long as I come prepared, and I came mostly prepared. We got asked to speak on Friday night and the bishopric member asking us apologized that it was so late notice. But that's not even bad cuz no one prepares until the night before anyway, right? And who should be more prepared to teach on short notice than the missionaries, right? My mom texted me after I finished and said she was gonna use something I said in my talk in her lesson, so I must have said something right. :)

We got to teach mission prep and that was fun as it always is. And we had lots of member lessons this week. We have such an awesome ward and I love our members so much. Even on days when one of them cancels coming to a lesson with us last minute and we have to text 20 people... someone always pulls through for us. The Sister who came with us to our lesson with Tom has a ton of kids, works full time, just got back from vacation, and was the other speaker in Sacrament as well as the Relief Society teacher. But she made time to come to a lesson with us. Wow. That's the kind of dedicated member I want to be when I'm grown up!

Here's something that stood out to me in my study this week. I read President Nelson's spiritual momentum talk again. It is filled with words of wisdom, but this was a specific line I liked: "When Satan came tempting Moses, he detected the deception because he had just had a face-to-face interaction with God." In our lives, we're better able to recognize and withstand temptation and evil when we are having interactions with God. When we fill our lives, hearts, spirits, and minds with spiritual nourishment, we'll never have to look at something from Satan twice. When you're in a position of spiritual strength, the devil may send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, but it shall have no power over you to drag you down because of the Rock upon which ye are built. (Helaman 5:12)

Have an awesome week! Read the Book of Mormon every day! If you do that second suggestion the first one will happen automatically! I love you all!

Hermana Cazier

1-2 some selfies

3. I got to play an electric violin!

4. we usually take pictures with members after lessons. This one makes me laugh. Grandma Anderson is in the picture, you just have to look closely :)

5. and this picture

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