Thursday, May 5, 2022

Girls Camp 2021 - Abbreviated

Girls camp is always a blast. In 2021, there were still residual effects from Covid and it wasn't a full week of camp. Instead, there were two days of Stake camp and then the wards could do whatever they wanted for the other time. Our ward chose to use the rest of the same week and they went camping in a lovely wooded area. (Sorry, I don't even know where.)

I wasn't in a Young Women calling at the time, so I was thinking that I wouldn't be involved in camp, but they ended up having a workshop speaker fall through and they called me to step in. I got to teach about party planning and social skills. It was really fun. We talked about how to go about inviting people over and I gave the girls tons of ideas of activities. We also played some group games and it was a delight to be with the girls again.

Although June was graduated, she came to the Stake camp days and it was so fun to see all the girls together. The theme was connected to the Olympics. They had some really fun opening ceremony activities. The torch lighting was neat and I loved that they had the flame 'burning' all during camp. The different wards had flags representing the girls. I don't want to brag, but our ward had the coolest one. 

They did some archery. 

There was water color painting, friendship bracelets, and nail painting.

There were outdoor games, but I think it got too hot in the afternoon for some of the groups. But Gaga ball is always a favorite.

The second day was Lake day. I wasn't involved this day, so I sent the girls on their way. I think they had a good time.

I was super amused by this picture.

 Mostly because in June's phone, it was immediately followed by this picture.

See any similarities? Both out to dry in the sun. :) The fish happened to be a picture Isaac sent her. He was in Alaska all summer and he sent lots of cool pictures.

The girls had a day off and then they packed up their stuff and went to a more authentic experience. (June did not attend this one.) This one involved dirt, hiking, chipmunks, and lots of girl bonding.

There was also one epic day that Maren convinced almost everyone to lay down, including putting their head under the water, for at least 3 seconds. Nothing like torture to bring a group together.

One last pic for the road. You've heard of the Very Hungry Caterpillar. This is how I imagine he started. Watch out, a few pies and a salami later and this guy will be huge.

I'm glad the girls were still able to have a girls camp experience. What great memories.

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