Friday, May 6, 2022

"You Have Been Cleared for Travel"

What an awesome week! We found two new people! One by facebook (it does actually happen) and one by service. We weeded for this cute lady named Pam and then asked her if she'd like to do a Bible study with us and she said yes!

We had a ward talent show this week and it was so much fun! Our ward is so awesome. There's one family who feeds us almost every week and are like my favorite people. They kinda remind me of my family. They did this rock band version of Head Shoulders Knees and Toes and it was so awesome! Dad on electric guitar, mom on bass, kids on drums, keyboard, and uke. When my family gets the band together it looks a little different but we've done similar stuff.

This family also made me laugh the hardest I have in a while when we had dinner with them last night and somehow got onto the topic of coconuts. How many deaths do you think are caused by coconuts every year?

There was also a kid at the talent show who played the accordion and it was awesome! I don't think I've ever actually seen someone play the accordion. And he was really good!

We contacted a ton of people this week. We're trying to make it through contacting every person listed in our area book before the transfer ends in two weeks.

We also did a split with the STLs this week! Normally that means one companion goes with one of the Sister Training Leaders and the other one goes with the other STL. Since there's three of us, Sister Adams and I went together with one of the STLs. We did in person contacting. In other words, knocking on doors of inactive members or people we've done service for before or met with in some way. It was awesome to go with Sister Hill, one of the STLs, because she is so good at talking to people! At the first house we went to, she did all the talking. Invited the people to church, got phone numbers, etc. Then as we were leaving I was like, "I wanna step up my game and be like her," so at the next three houses, I really did. I talked a lot more, connected with people, extended invitations! There was one awesome one. We knocked on an inactive ward member's door and he wasn't home, but his neighbor happened to be outside washing his car, so we talked to him instead. He was totally open to the invitation of coming to church and he might be a new person we're able to teach! It is so cool how God puts people in our path like that, even if it's not the people we're expecting when we start.

It's also cool how God works through us when we are bold. I've been thinking a lot about faith to find. I have faith in Christ and I don't doubt Him. But as much as I have a goal to talk to everyone, I am afraid to do it and I doubt myself. But doubt and fear are opposites of faith, and they can't coexist with faith. And this week I've been trying to remind myself of that whenever I don't want to talk to someone. Hey Hermana Cazier, you don't doubt Christ. And who did He call to do this? That's right, you! He knew what He was doing. He does His work through the weak and simple, and that's you, so open your mouth! I feel like this this is the most quoted missionary scripture like ever, but it is true so it bears repeating: "if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them" (Ether 12:27). When we bring our shortcomings to Christ with humility and faith, He changes us and converts our flaws into strengths.

And... it was cruel of me to put this at the end, but I GOT MY VISA! Last Wednesday I got a text from President On May 16th, two weeks from today, I'll fly to the Dominican Republic! I am so excited to go there and learn different ways to do missionary work than I have experienced here in Oregon! I love it here and I'm so grateful I got to serve here and meet so many amazing people and learn so much. And now I get to go continue the Lord's work in a different place in a different way in a different language, but what the work is the same and I'm so glad I get to keep rolling it forward.

I love you all! I dare you to think of some way that you can choose faith over fear this week and rely on Christ rather than doubting yourself!

Hermana Cazier 


1. Sisters pic at the wildlife safari

2. zone conference! We meet right next to the temple so obviously we had to get a picture

3. we did matching space buns one day (all credit to Sister Adams)

4. a lady we're teaching has a lemon tree in her backyard

5. us in front of a pretty tree

6. us in front of another pretty tree... but what you don't see is that we had to disconnect a wire fence from the ground and they had been growing together so long that they were inseparable

7. us doing weekly planning outside

8-12. pics from the hike we went on this morning! I finally got to hike, just barely before I leave beautiful Oregon! The one where I have a clovery thing in my mouth is because the member who took us hiking told us those plants are called sheep sour and they taste like sour apples. They're actually really good... but I feel like I shouldn't recommend putting random plants in your mouth...

13. that text all the foreign missionaries are praying for

14. the answer is 150 by the way

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