Tuesday, May 31, 2022

DRian Happenings

Hola todos!

I literally have no time so really quick!

We invited six people to get baptized! Two are on date and four said yes but haven't picked a date yet!

The guy who brought us our filtered water we were buying the other day has seen missionaries before and was like, what church are you from? We taught him the Restoration, but he had to go before we could get contact info for him, so we were like, shoot, what do we do now?

Then two days later outside of one of our friends' houses we saw the same guy! Awesome miracle! Now we have his address and we're so gonna baptize this guy!

The DR is awesome. It rained this week probably as much as it rained in Utah last year. I LOVED it. Every time it rained I just wanted to soak it up and my comp was like, you're crazy, get under the umbrella!

Nispero is gross. Tamarindo is tart, really good, and apparently worth diarrhea because I keep going back for more.

The Church is true.

I spoke in Sacrament meeting yesterday and it actually went pretty well! I told my ward to focus on growing their testimonies daily so that they're ready to share the gospel when there are opportunities to do so (or when we make opportunities to do so, cuz sharing the gospel is actually a commandment). You guys should do that too! 1 Peter 3:15

Hermana Cazier

1. A weird plant

2. Tamarindo

3. Una mariposa

4. I don't have a ton of pictures of me and my mom so this is literally a cropped family picture... but I love you Mom! DR Mothers day was yesterday and even though they didn't let me call again it's always great to think about how awesome my mom is!

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