Wednesday, June 1, 2022

We Want MOA

Guys! This summer is going to be crazy busy. I literally have something scheduled every week day. I'm almost positive I can't keep it going all summer, but we'll see. 

I also have big plans to catch up on the blog, but when do I not?? In order to do that, I'll be trying to stay current, while also doing posts from last year, and going backwards from the current time line. I'm sure that doesn't make a lot of sense, but for you, the reader, it basically means that nothing will necessarily be in order. What can I say? I've never had any complaints from my readers, since there are only like seven of you. Thanks for being seven easy going people who possibly understand that this busy mom is trying her hardest. I really appreciate your support.

And today I'll reward your devoted attendance with a super current post. Yay for all of us. 

I'll give you a quick run down of my crazy summer schedule so you can see what insanity I'm trying to churn us through.

Monday - Field Trip Day (This could be almost anything that sounds interesting to us)
Tuesday - Library and Movie day (Easy peasy. My kids seem to watch a movie every day anyway. This way I can choose one for them)
Wednesday - Water Day (I am bound and determined to use the paddle boards. So determined that I bought more life jackets. So we'd better get out there and use them)
Thursday - Deep Clean and Lunch Out (We are going to try and get some areas of the house super tidy and then reward ourselves with lunch out at a restaurant we haven't tried before)
Friday - Hike day (This will take us all over Utah. I even downloaded that cool All Trails app, so I'm hoping to find some fun new places to hike)

Obviously, not everything will need a post of its own and I won't bore you with all the nitty gritty details, but if we get some fun pictures, we'll make sure to put them on here.

This week, our field trip was to the Museum of Art, commonly know as the MOA. I feel like the MOA is hit and miss. Every once in a while, they have a stellar display, but most of the time, when I go, I am underwhelmed. Sadly, this was one of those times. They had a lot of European art, which is okay. And a bit of Contemporary art, which was better, in my opinion. We still found plenty to look at, and we even had some favorites.

This was my favorite. It is so weird. Just look for a minute. It has the whole Godhead there. The Holy Ghost is taking his favorite form of dove at the bottom. Jesus is looking a little gray, which is fitting considering the cross and death. God looks like a kindly version of a cross between Santa Claus and a monk. I guess I don't really picture Him this way. Then there is the heavenly choir of angels. I like that it gives the appearance that there are too many to even be seen clearly. They sort of fade in to the background. But what is with the bodyless angels!!?? Why are they just heads with wings? Kind of creepy and hard not to stare at. So favorite.

This still life caught my eye. I really like the raspberries and the detail of the goblet. But what is that main dish? That looks too meaty to be a normal crab. It looks like it should be a roast chicken, but instead, is a crab. The legs give it an alien feel in this otherwise normal still life, almost like they could be eating a face hugger instead of a crustacean. I think Ripley would approve.

Pearl's favorites were over in the European art as well. She loved this flower still art, which is delightfully detailed.

And also this landscape which I enjoyed too. And yes, Pearl is standing a little TOO close to the art. Close enough that we were asked to step away. It was probably the most exciting thing the art guard got to do that day.

On the modern art side, there were a couple favorites. This balancing baby death rattle was really cool. It is suspended by such a small chain. Impressive.

Daisy liked this wall of blue jars the most. They are filled with Windex (I'm assuming different concentrations?) and are very pretty all lined up like that.

Robyn liked this large piece. (Notice Ivory standing nearby) The artist uses paint, but also a lot of natural materials. Up close it is a bit intense, but from far away, I really like it.

There was a large gallery downstairs of pictures from the Old and New Testament, done by one guy? (Actually, it might have been two) There were so many. It was like they decided to do a few pictures from each and every story in there. Wow. Ivory took a picture of this one (she was the only one to make it through the whole gallery) so I think she must have liked this one. It is titled God is Near the Afflicted. I like His somewhat translucent form.

One more. I feel like Pearl did a great job reenacting this position. What do you think?

You can't forget the rainbow floss in the lobby. It is always a favorite. Can you spot Robyn in the second picture?

Then we grabbed some pictures outside. It was a lovely day. It definitely feels like summer. And you were right Ives, you were blurry. :)

So summery, that we had to stop by the creamery for some ice cream. Delish.

And then one more stop by IFA because Pearl has been asking for weeks. A friend took her there and you can hold the bunnies. (Better than a pet store) So we got some bunny holding in and we are set for a while. 

I actually liked the goblets more. (Yes, that is what you call a baby turkey. I asked Alexa.) They were so animated and social. My goal is to have chickens someday. Not while we have Nova of course.

I believe that is our only art museum scheduled for the summer. And we won't be doing our own art as much this summer. You may all pause for a moment of silence since the Art Show won't be happening. 


But don't worry, there will be lots of other great stuff. We are Cazier's. It comes naturally.

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