Monday, June 20, 2022

Bear Lake Part 2 2021

(July 22-24, 2021)

And we're Bear Lake.

Although we've been to Bear Lake a couple times, this was the first time we went to the Minnetonka Caves. It was still a little weird because of Covid. We had to wear masks on the tour, but that is not too bad. At least, it wasn't for me. I always feel bad for the glasses wearers, since temperature changes can steam up their glasses. But I think they've all gotten used to it?

There are two areas. You park in a lower lot and buy tickets and then you go up when it is your time. There isn't a lot of parking up above. Here is Pearl and I waiting down below.

The hope was that all of us could go. But JR and Jami weren't going to get there in time, and Hinckley wasn't going to try the caves since there were a LOT of stairs. And Granny V still had the broken foot, so she opted to wait it out. But there was still a goodly number of us going through. We got a couple pictures while we waited.

There was this super adorable, practically tame chipmunk hanging around. I don't remember her name. The guide fed her and gave us some cute facts about her. She's a regular.

Then it was almost time to go in. We made sure to get some group shots. Looking pretty good spelunkers. 

I could show you dozens of cave pictures, but they honestly start to all look the same. There was one interesting fact that I liked. Along the way, we saw some green lichen or moss-like substance growing on the rocks. The guide told us that when the cave was dark, nothing was growing, but when they introduced light to the cave, the moss started to grow. Everything was in place for just needed light. I drew some really fun spiritual analogies from that thought.

Okay, you can have a couple other pictures, thanks for asking. This one reminds me of a brain coral, followed by one that they described as a pile of coins. I think Smaug could enjoy this cave. 

Ivory got a good picture of the Devil's Office. It is a slit in the rock that goes pretty deep. They put a light down in his office so you could maybe catch a glimpse of him working.

And I would call this one melted ice cream sundae. Don't ya think?

After some good cave exploring, we switched venues and headed back to less enclosure and more moisture. You guessed it...the beach. Tyler captured everyone getting ready in a tiny speed video. I like it. I wish I could pump up a paddle board as fast as KJ.

We had a great time playing Spikeball and swimming.

And we found and made some more sand creations. This beach bum guy we spied is epic. There are very creative people out there. 

Robyn made this peace sign hand. So awesome. Although all the girls liked making the slurpy sand pile.

There was the shout out to all the cute guys. At least the ones named Isaac. June made her tribute and Ivory made hers. 

It was such a good time, it tuckered some people out. Sun and sand will do that.

The Js finally made it, but then didn't stay too long. Sometimes that happens when you have the smaller variety of children. We didn't get any pictures of them, but it was great to see them.

And then it was time for us to pack up too. Yay for Bear Lake and family. Thanks for the good times and we'll see you soon.

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