Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Remember That One Day of Golf?

(June 14th, 2022)

Yep, I just blogged about our one day of golf per year, but since that was a year ago, it happened again. Strange how that works with annual events. There was a bit of a scramble trying to figure out who would go. Daisy was still in Summer school and Robyn had to work, so Dad took Ivory, Pearl, and ME!! Yay. I got to go golfing for my first time ever. (And it was also Pearl's first time.)

We showed up and got our carts. Here's my cart buddy.

We went over and hit just a few balls on the driving range, but we didn't worry about perfection. We are not known for our amazing golf skills. We just came to enjoy the experience.

We drove out to the first hole and Tyler teed up to show us how it was done. He had barely hit the ball, when one of the employees came over to tell us that we were supposed to start on hole 10. That's fine. We had only hit one ball anyway, and you can see from this picture where it ended up. (Don't look too hard for the ball...it's in the water.)

So we headed over to the back nine. It was really a very fun time. We always teed up at the closest spot. We think it is the color for children, but we didn't care. We got in a lot of practice swings and even a few good hits. 

Ivory was a great driver, but she would hunch over the wheel like she was going to go 80. We even let Pearl drive. She was good too.

It was a gorgeous day. The sky was so blue and there was a nice breeze. There was water and birds and even some feathers.

Ivory got some great pictures from her perspective. I think this is how she sees the world.

I had to leave early since I had an appointment. So I said goodbye to the crew and took one of the carts. I had my own mini adventure on the way back. For some reason, my cart stopped just over by the driving range. I had no idea what went wrong. But it would still go in reverse, so I turned my cart around and drove backwards all the way back to the pro shop. Tyler later told me that the carts are geo-fenced, so if they go in an area they aren't supposed to be in, they stop working. But you can still use reverse to get back to a good area. I wonder if they expect people to just drive backwards the whole way?

It was such a fun time. I want to go again, maybe even before next year.

We also did the BBQ in the evening. Still amazing food. The salad is still my favorite, the steaks are still juicy and the plastic knives are still useless.

Actually, the steak was better than usual. In fact, it was magical. Can you explain how this steak is floating in the picture? We can't either.

And don't forget the ice cream bar. It seems like Daisy had a little ice cream with her brownie.

It was so great to be back at the park. It has been take home dinner the last couple of years because of Covid. So it was nice to be back together. Even so, we all sat over by the stream. That's because we were cold. No shade for us.

It was a pretty fantastic summer party. 

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