Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Pearl's 12 Year Gallery

(June 21st, 2022)

Once again, I'm really behind on birthday pictures. Not behind on posting them, but on taking them in the first place. It isn't so bad except that despite my protests, the kids keep growing when I'm not watching. I'm only 3 months late, but it's amazing how fast they can grow in that amount of time. 

I've been meaning to take Ivory's pictures (yes, also haven't done hers) but I couldn't convince her to come this day. Pearl looked in the mirror, saw how adorable she was and said, "Can we do mine instead?" Naturally. And she does look super cute. 

We had a lot of fun traipsing around and taking pictures. It was a gorgeous blue-sky day. Pearl is very fun to be around. She is funny and smart. She always has a comeback for my sarcasm. It didn't take us long to get lots of fun shots. (Please try to ignore the glare that seems to stick to her glasses like sand to beachy feet)

And then we headed to lunch at Chubby's. Pearl had never had the scones there. She loved them. So it was a super successful day. And now we all benefit from more pictures of Pearl!

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