Friday, June 24, 2022

The Bubble Date

(July 9th, 2021)

I'm always looking for something fun for Tyler and I to do for a date. I got this idea that I wanted to do bubbles....big bubbles. This is a Harry Potter bubble. Can you see the lightning mark?

Many of our dates are just me and Tyler, but it seemed like bubbles are for everyone. However, we only had two kids on the premises when I pulled out the suds. So they were winners based solely on proximity.

It's a little tricky getting the strings in the right position to make a bubble. But then getting the bubble started is pretty easy.

It's finishing the bubble and getting it to stay that is the hardest part.

It's surprising how ridiculously proud you get when you make a good bubble. 

Don't give up, keep trying.

Okay, time for a group photo. Except that June made an epic bubble right when we were going to get shot.

So we paused to appreciate the accomplishment of this bubble. I think it was the best one we had the whole time.

Okay, now a group shot.

It was a very fun time and a reminder that bubbles are indeed, for everyone.

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