Monday, June 13, 2022

Golfing with my Mini-mes

(June 7th, 2022)

I really enjoy miniature golf, so naturally I added it to our field trip list. Ivory was out of town at FSY and Daisy opted out (lame), but I took two of the monkeys to the course. It was a lovely (almost too hot) day. We are ready to go.

We went to a fun place called Mulligan's. They have two mini golf courses, the lighthouse and the haunted house. We drew at random and got this one.

Interestingly, there was a sign as you went out to the courses saying that there are birds that use this area as their home and they could be aggressive this time of year. We assumed it is because of the babies. And sure enough, we found a couple. Here's this little guy hanging out trying to stay cool in the shade. 

We saw baby birds in some bushes as well. It was actually a very pretty course with flowers and water features. I can see why the birds chose it. Here are some of the lovely roses we saw.

This is just selfie shenanigans. My camera will take a selfie if you hold your hand up, so the kids are always putting their hand in front of my face for pictures. It's pretty funny and sometimes we have a scramble with the phone. 

Can you see the fountain in the background? It was hot enough that the small amount of spray coming off felt really good.

You may notice here that Robyn is facing the wrong way. She looked over and decided the more direct route to the hole was through the trees. It wasn't a terrible idea, but I predicted her ball would end up in the water.

I am so wise.

Pearl got the first hole in one. It looks easy in this picture, but that ball had to go across a bridge, around a large hill and up a slope to plop nicely in the hole. It was not an easy hole in one by any means. 

What cuties. It was so fun to be out with the girls. 

This baby bird kept coming onto the course, which seemed reckless in this scenario. We saw a dead one next to another course, so it seems a hazardous place to raise young.

I got a hole in one too. Much easier than Pearl's, but I'll take it.

Robyn didn't get hers until the very last hole, but that still counts.

Nicely done everyone! I thought about doing the other course, but it was too hot. So maybe we'll come another day.

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