Saturday, June 11, 2022

Mini Senior Trip in Pictures

(June 2nd, 2021)

June was one of those lucky ones that got to go on two Senior Trips. The second one was the trip to CA that is already on the blog, albeit very late. The first one was a mini trip to St. George because Isaac was leaving for Alaska to spend the entire summer away. The friend group wanted to take a quick trip together before he left.

From the looks of things, they went down south, hiked and swam, ate good food and had a really good time together. In reality, June should guest blog and write up some of her adventures, but since she is currently hanging out in the DR and won't be back for a bit, you get a photo adventure.

So scroll through and envision all the fun those good friends had. The memories are sweet when you are with the right people.

Looks fun right? This post is basically for June. Hope you liked the pictures Junio.

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