Friday, June 3, 2022

Just Over the Pond

(June 1st, 2022)

I realize that with the back and forth posts, I should probably put some kind of date at the beginning of each post, so you can see when it actually happened. If you look at the top of this post, you will see that it is very current. 

Our water day took us to Manila Creek Pond. We have been there before. I started with a place that is familiar to me. I was a little worried about cold water and it certainly was cold, but it wasn't shocking and we ended up playing in the water a bit.

Most of the time we stayed on the paddle boards. I like to think that paddle boards are water optional, meaning you don't have to get soaked and we proved me right in this case. The only time I ended up in the water was when I was trying paddle board yoga. (That is an activity that you can plan on getting wet if you don't have good balance.)

I even remembered to get out the camera. Ivory was recovering from a cold and a mild eye infection. I tried to talk her into dipping a toe in, but she was content to soak up the sun.

The rest of us had a great time paddling around. Manila Pond is not large. It only takes a few minutes to get from one side to the other, but it is therapeutic to be outside in the sun and water, so it was wonderful.

That was when Robyn decided to lead us in some paddle board yoga. She demonstrated the tree pose. Take notes kids, this is not going to be easy.

Sure enough, Pearl ended up in the water almost immediately. But she also ended up with the best tree pose of the bunch.

Daisy got close. From her feet positioning, you may be able to tell that she didn't stay in this pose for long.

Here's another attempt that ended with a dousing. I love getting a mid-action shot.

Robyn tried teaching us another pose, called Lord of the Dance. Pearl turned it into a cheer pose.

I even could do this one. (You can't tell that my paddleboard is beached, can you? Didn't think so.)

Great job teaching us Robyn. It was really fun. I'd be willing to try it in deeper water that was a tad warmer.

Then because we had time, I created a challenge. I told Robyn we would  have a race. We would each take a turn paddling out to two spots in the pond and then back, creating a basic triangle and we would see who could do it the fastest. I went first. I had a little issue getting my paddle board headed in the right direction, but I was proud of my time.

Then Robyn took her turn and schooled me. I really thought I had been going fast, but she beat me by almost half a minute. I guess she must have my awesome paddle board genes. :)

We didn't stay too long, but it was a perfect little water getaway. And it proved to me that I can do this. I can take out the boards, blow them up, and put them away at the end. And all the kids were so happy we went, so that makes it all worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness I wasn't there to try the paddleboard yoga. Can you imagine the kind of splash I'd make when I fell in?
