Saturday, June 4, 2022

Weekend Getaway

(May 28th, 2022)

We got a random call from Mark and Karen last week asking if we wanted to get away to Logan with them. That sounded like just the thing, so we took off on Saturday afternoon and drove north.

I learned some stuff. (Which happens all the time when I'm hanging out with Tyler) I've heard of Cache Valley cheese, but I didn't realize Cache Valley was so close. I also learned that since 1937, Cache Valley Creamery has been providing Utahns with flavorful, rich cheese made with the essence of the natural, exceptional goodness found in Cache Valley, Utah. Funny, I thought they made cheese from cow's milk, but here in Utah, it is made from pure goodness. Don't try to tell me we aren't a righteous people. We are literally dripping with enough goodness to make cheese. :)

We got to our hotel and found our friends and we went straight to dinner. Mark and Karen chose a Brazilian place and it was such a good choice. It was so delicious! We got Guarana (that's a must) and Feijoada, which was heavenly. I can see why Tyler misses eating this type of food.

Then we headed over to the Logan temple. I have never been inside before. It was a lovely session and it was so nice to go with Karen and Mark. We stopped to get a few pictures on the way out. 

We did some soaking in the hot tub later which I think it a good choice for old bones. It is nice and relaxing.

Sunday was another day of rest and fun. We went to church in the morning. We found the longest pew I've ever seen. The chapel only had one section. The rows weren't divided at all. So the bench stretched from one side of the chapel to the other. It was so long. This picture does NOT do it justice. Can you spot me halfway down that long bench?

We happened to be there for the farewell talk of a Senior couple leaving on their mission for Argentina. They are assigned to document the building of a temple in Argentina. They will take pictures and write up reports and news blips. If the temple is not finished in 24 months, they will stay until it is completed. I've never heard of such a mission and I thought it was super cool. Someday, Tyler and I will choose a place to go and serve. It's exciting to think there are so many options.

The rest of the day was filled with lots of games. Mark and Karen also kept us well stocked with food and snacks. So we ate like kings and played lots of games. How is that not a perfect day?

The weekend was over too quickly, but we had kids to get back to. I think we'll do this again sometime. Maybe we'll hit up all the temples in Utah. It sounds like a worthy goal. We stopped by briefly in Layton. This temple isn't quite finished, but it is well on its way. It has a Moroni now. 

1 comment:

  1. They will take pictures and right up reports? Honestly, Maleen, weren't you paying attention in your English classes? They will WRITE up reports - and we can only hope they get the reports RIGHT.
    Glad you had a good time.
