Thursday, June 16, 2022

Watermelon Sugar High

(July 6th, 2021)

It's kind of cool to be blogging about both summers. It's almost like June is still here. :) And we do similar things each year. Although we had never tried this next stunt before and we've never tried it since, but it was super cool.

It was an Ivory idea. You know how she gets an idea in her head and decides to create it. This one involved a watermelon and LOTS of jello. She hollowed out half a watermelon and then filled it with concentrated jello—the kind you would use for jigglers. She let it set in the fridge and it already looked epic.

Now to cut it into slices. It's possible that Ivory isn't the most accurate of slicers, but cutting large things is a bit difficult. She got the basic idea and it wasn't so bad.

Look at it. It's like a real slice o' watermelon.

The sampling is the important part. Everyone approved.

It's so pretty. We even got the seedless variety.

Santa has a large belly, like a bowl full of...watermelon.

Well, that's a wrap. This is possibly the most summery food we've ever made around here. 

1 comment:

  1. That is the craziest coolest idea ever. Haha the cutting though. Amazing.
