Thursday, June 16, 2022

Summerfest 2022

(June 11th, 2022)

I really only go to Summerfest for the booths and boutiques. I always find it so interesting to see what people are selling and I like to get a few things and support local vendors. It's a highlight of the summer. Amazingly, we were all available on Saturday afternoon. When does that happen? So we all went over together. And Tyler happened to grab the glittery sunscreen which means we all shimmered. It was especially great to see him put it on.

Have they always had the reptile tent? I'm not sure I remember it from before, but it was really cool to go in there and see the animals they had. Ivory loved the Gila Monster, and I loved the baby alligator. And Pearl got to hold a skink. (A little bigger than the one June caught in Oregon.)

We didn't get any food this time around, but I think this Olaf made out of cotton candy is pretty awesome.

Here we are shopping. I admit that I'm always drawn to the earrings. We found some really cute laser printer ones this time around. We got paper airplanes and goldfish in a bowl. They are adorable. We also got other earrings. I'm such a sucker for them.

Ivory is always on a hunt for the weirdest/creepiest or most unsettling stuffed animals she can find. This one is pretty good. I would not want to meet this octopus anywhere.

Daisy and Robyn bought me little lego guys. I'm also a sucker for sharks. And I love Jurassic Park, Blue especially. So these little guys bring me more joy than a respectable adult should have.

Oh, I just said we didn't get food, but we did get a bit. I feel like most things are okay-priced out there, but we ran into some gummies that were crazy expensive. $10 a bag. I kid you not. That is crazy. But they were also crazy delicious. I'm not much of a gummy fan, but I thought they were tasty, and Pearl could probably live on them. Of course, not at the price they cost...

There was a whole booth of games. (Does summerfest know ALL my weaknesses?) We got this one and tried it out. I loved it. It's like Skull King meetings Scotch Bridge with a few twists. I really like it. And it came with fake mustaches.

I would say it was a rousing success this year. I didn't get sunburned thanks to my glitter sparkle self, and I left with some new unique things. The only thing we didn't do was Henna, but we still have so much of that at home, we can do that later. Thanks Summerfest for lightening my purse and reminding me that I still love stuff.

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