Friday, June 17, 2022

What a Boss

(July 9th, 2021)

It's really fun to watch June play Spikeball. Sure, I'd rather be playing, but just the mention of a tournament seems to throw my back out these days, so I'll play for fun and then watch June kick trash. 

Last summer June did a few different kinds of tournaments. One was Queen of the Court. That was really interesting. You start with four random people on a net. You team up with each person in turn and they keep track of wins and losses. Those with more wins move on to nets with other winners. That clearly wasn't the best description of how that works, but you may not care about Spikeball at all. :0

Regardless, it was fun to watch June. I just set up shop and took some pictures. June has such a killer serve. People try to call her on it all the time, thinking if they can somehow make it seem illegal, she can't toast them with it. However, there is nothing wrong with her serve besides the fact that it is really hard to return. You can see the blur in one of these pictures.

The next day she did a women's tournament. She played with Saige. They did a great job. I have no idea where she ended up on the standings for any of these games. But it was fun to watch her play. And as you already know, she was ranked in Utah, so clearly, she ain't too shabby. (Saige was ranked 10th at the time, so they made a great team.)

Maybe a year and a half off will bring her back down to my level. ;)

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