Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Comes Around Once a Year

(July 25th, 2021)

As you know, I'm continuing to blog our fun summer adventures while also adding anything that happened last year around the same time. It will be interesting as we get into the fall, but I'm dedicated. It's going to happen. 

Today, we'll take you back in time to Daisy's thirteenth birthday. We had it late because she had been in Idaho for almost a month hanging out with Grandma. We got her back a little after her birthday and then we needed to open presents at the earliest convenience. I'm assuming we also made her a cake but there doesn't seem to be any photographic proof of said cake. Oh well. 

Here are some pictures of her opening gifts.

Daisy really loves soft things. (This hasn't changed and will be evident at her next birthday post in a few days.)

I think she was closing her eyes and guessing some of her gifts. (Notice she already donned soft hoodie.) She got some cool earrings from Granny V and a new phone, although the phone was already coming, it just happened to get there right around her birthday.

I believe Daisy had a good birthday, even if we can't prove it. :) Her birthday this year was also delayed. Daisy jokes that it is becoming a tradition to do it late. She doesn't mind and the presents always get there eventually.

We did measure her (although how fair is it that she gets extra days to grow??) She is still one of the tall ones in the family. Keep going Daisy. You can make it past all the rest.

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