Wednesday, July 20, 2022

I Celebrate Our Breakup with Fireworks

(July 4th, 2022)

Hello! Happy Fourth of July everyone! (Even though it's not the fourth and almost not July.) But who cares. It always feels nice to wish someone a happy holiday. While I'm at it...Merry Christmas!!

Our fourth was actually quite chill this year. In the morning, we had a neighborhood breakfast at the park. We were only a tiny bit late since we were talking to June, which was probably the highlight of the day. But that was closely followed by playing Spikeball all morning. I would have been happy to play all day. That would have been the best holiday, but I guess other people have things to do, so we only played for a couple hours. Still, best morning for me. Also, ain't Daisy so cute with her fourth of July dice earrings?? (Fun fact...June also got to play Spikeball this day. An Elder had a net and June got to play for the first time in months. Obviously she wrecked the competition. Probably in a very Christlike way.)

Most of the day was making sure Robyn was all packed for Africa. That's right. It was time for her to leave for Ghana, by way of Boston. She was so nice to give us some last minute Henna, although Dad's didn't stay on his hand at all. (I guess you need pasty skin like mine for it to show up nicely.)

We played games the night before to spend an evening with Robyn. We ate snacks and Robyn took the alphabet cookies and spelled out her destination. (If I wrote Hawaii, could it work for me too?)

Robyn's flight was pretty late in the evening. We all took her to the airport because we're going to miss her!! See ya...

Love these shots that randomly blur someone out. Looks like Daisy won the lottery this time.

And Robyn. I think she was practicing since that is the face she made the whole time she was in Ghana. (Thanks for that Kaysen.)

It didn't take long to get her baggage checked and she was off. We'll see her in about 3 weeks. I bet she'll practically be a different person. At least she'll have a lot of new experiences under her belt.

Then we went out and watched all the fireworks. That's what you get when you drive home from the airport at 10 pm. You get to watch fireworks ALL over the valley. It was actually pretty neat. It still doesn't beat watching one great show though. I missed the booms. We went home and did some sparklers and popits and called it a night. 

Not the most exciting fourth, but definitely a new one for the books. (p.s. All the people going to Ghana were wearing the same shirt and we saw at least two other girls wearing the shirt Robyn was, so I was content knowing she wasn't alone.)

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