Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Youth Conference 2021

(July 9th, 2021)

I honestly had forgotten about youth conference that happened last year. It wasn't really on my radar. My calling was not with the youth at the time, and even though Tyler and I were asked to teach a lesson on etiquette, I still didn't remember this event happened until I ran across pictures on Robyn's phone.

So this is one of those posts where I will post pictures and not have much to say about them since I wasn't there and I don't really know what happened. Super exciting, no? 

It looks like youth conference included...



Hanging with the Bish...

Service project...


JK. I think Robyn and Tyler scheduled their Covid vax the same day.

A lovely dinner... The girls made boutonnieres for the boys.

The girls were supposed to dress nicely. Robyn looked very pretty and she did a little photo shoot before the dinner. 

And then there were no more pictures. But it looks like the event was a success and from what I remember from dinner, it was very nice. I'm actually excited for Stake Youth Conference next year. I've never been involved with it and I think it would be really fun. So, here's to next year. 

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