Monday, July 18, 2022


So this is actually gonna be a short one. This week was awesome! I love my new comp so much. We taught fuego lessons.

On Saturday we decided to change our method of finding because we had been putting everyone in areabook, but the thing is that people here are nice and always give you their phone number even if they're totally not interested. So we decided to only put interested people into areabook, mostly because of a mission meeting we had with Presidente. Is NY desire to find people who are ready or have a big area book number? As satisfying as the second one is, I'm here to bring people unto Christ. We fasted about this too cuz we start our fast on Saturday afternoon always.

So we headed out with that in our hearts, and found 14 people. In the scriptures it says that God grants righteous desires. And I literally saw that. The day that we decided to actually look for elegidos (chosen people), our eyes were opened and we found 14 people who actually want to talk with us again.

But there's also the painful part of missionary work. I've heard so many returned and current missionaries talk about how hard it is when people don't progress, and obviously it's sad every time someone doesn't keep a commitment. But I felt it different this week. We talked with so many people about going to church this week. At least 20 people said yes. We have four people on date and all of them haven't come yet but gave us a solid yes after some really Spirit filled lessons.

And no one came. That hurt. Worse than you think it would be able to. I love these people. I struggled for their salvation this week. Hard. I did every single thing I could to get them to the church, and they didn't come. But we can't control their agency, and that's a lesson every missionary has to learn.

But back on the bright side, this email is shorter than normal because a missionary in my zone has spikeball!!! I didn't know we were going to be doing that today, but we played for a few hours once I realized there was an option. And I'm proud to say that six months of absence didn't dampen my abilities much and my comp and I smoked a bunch of Elders. 😄

Til next week

Hermana Cazier 

Sorry bout the lack of pics.

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