Sunday, July 10, 2022

Hi Barbie, Plans Have Changed

(July 2nd, 2022)

Unless you count Robyn, hair doesn't change much around here. Most of the girls have been growing it out and keeping it long for quite some time now. There are trims now and then, but usually it is still rather long, even after a trim.

I even think some of the girls had made a pact or goal to keep it long until a certain age. Well, Daisy decided one day it was time for a change. She had me set up an appointment and she kept it a surprise from most of the family. Here she is with her long hair.

Last chance Daisy. This chair means business.

Daisy has a little piece shorter than the rest. She decided all of it would be about that short. So they put it in a pony tail and snipped it off.

Whew, that was fast.

I put her ponytail in a bag and we are going to donate it to Locks of Love. She has lovely hair, so I'm glad it won't go to waste.

And guess what? She is stinkin' adorable. Not much has changed there.

Oddly, when you cut your hair, you would think there would be less things you could do with it, but I have seen more styles on Daisy's head since the cut than ever before. I think it suits her and I'm glad she can still play with it.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say that I found your post by searching for "Hi Barbie, plans have changed!" LOL Do you remember what that game was called?? I played it SOOO much circa 1986...
