Friday, July 8, 2022

June Chatbook 2022

Yep, look at me wrapping things up in a timely manner. June is just barely fading in the rearview mirror, so let's get a last good look at it and all the small things that didn't warrant a whole post of their own.

As you know, we've been trying some new places to eat this summer. We all went to Seven Brothers to try their fare. It wasn't too bad. The wait was really long, but I really loved the banana bread. Ivory had a burger that wouldn't even fit in her mouth. The fries were different than any I've seen before and I really liked them. But best of all, I paid the kids a couple bucks to run through the splash pad outside. It's surprising what my kids will do for a dollar or two.

Tyler went to Directions (his work conference) in Vegas. He sent us home a few pictures of the cool places he visited while there. This one was from Fremont Street where you can find the most interesting things and people.

We already posted about Robyn and Tyler's trip to California, but I found a couple more pictures in their phones. So I'm adding them on here.

Ivory has been busy at her new job. She works at In-N-Out. They pay really well, so she is loving that they are giving her plenty of shifts. Most of them are in the evening, so she doesn't miss out on all our family adventures. She's living it up this summer and making bank.

Meanwhile, I spend a lot of time sitting in the parking lot waiting for her, since she doesn't have her license yet. I'm usually content with an audio book going and sometimes I even see a lovely sunset.

Although I can't keep plants alive to save my life, the roses in the front don't seem to need much maintenance. They grow back in every year and provide us beautiful blooms. I like you roses. 

The girls have a fun message board that they put fun quotes on. I like this one because it has mixed letters. (And it's funny)

Sunday selfie!!

I found some fun pictures of Robyn on her phone. Her hair is getting just long enough that she can play with it a bit more. Look for butterfly clips and the smallest ponytail you ever did see.

Robyn has nailed this hand heart. My fingers just can't make it. I try and it looks all wonky. But Robyn makes it look profesh.

Pearl is not doing cheer next year. (Sorry blogger family, you haven't seen all of Pearl's cool stuff from cheer LAST year because I haven't blogged about it. Shame on my cow.) But it doesn't mean she doesn't like trying stunts with Dad, who makes a great base by the way.

Robyn caught a snake in our backyard. (We've had more than usual this year.) She was showing it to Nova and the dog had an interesting response to the snake. Her mouth filled with so much saliva it was just dripping out. It was so disgusting. I can't only imagine that it must have smelled delicious to her.

Our neighbor left for a few weeks to travel and Pearl was in charge of watering the garden again. She does a great job and it was fun to tail after her and watch her and the bees at work.

Some of our swimming trips haven't been very pictureful. (Remember how water and phones don't good bedfellows make.) Well, this is us at the Scera. And also the Provo Rec. We had a lot of fun those days, but we also left the phone in a safe location.

Likewise, here are a couple more places we ate. The first was Mama Chu's. I totally forgot to get a picture while we were there, but I actually didn't love the food. It was meh. But they had fun maps at the table where you could match up countries with their names. That was actually quite fun. I totally nailed the DR. I know right where it is now. :)

These yummies are called alfajores. My neighbor told us about them a long time ago. They are pretty tasty, but a little dry. South American baked goods tend to be a little drier than American baked goods. I'm not sure why? Preference? Regardless, we got these at Asado, a Peruvian place. The food was super tasty and we brought home dessert for everyone. 

I should mention that my normal companion is Ivory for these lunch outings. Robyn has been frequently gone or busy and the youngest two don't eat normal food, so it is not to be wasted on them. So Ivory has been the beneficiary of magical trips, like this one to Red Tacos. (Totally my favorite of them all so far. Absolutely tastifying!)

Tricia won tickets to the theater, so she invited me along. Upside, time with Tricia and a meal included. Downside, I had a friend in the play, but this wasn't her night. And the play was weird enough that I wouldn't want to see it again. They can't all be my favorite.

Tyler still continues the Sunday tradition of drawing hearts on us at church. We took this picture and sent it to June to see if she could tell our arms apart.

She totally nailed it. And then she sent one in return. Can you tell her arm from Hermana Fernandez?

Pearl and I were cleaning the garage on a stormy day. It started to pour outside and we put on goggles so we could go watch the rain. It was an experience. And for some reason, I look like a total grandma in this picture. Sometimes you think an outfit will look cute and instead it is the perfect storm of senility. (For the record, I did not think the socks and flip flops would look cute. That happened by accident and shouldn't have been caught on camera.)

Nova continues to be Nova. She sleeps with her tongue out and on anything I leave on the floor. I wouldn't imagine this hat to be comfortable, but I have also never tried sleeping on it.

Tyler's Real Estate group decided to make a softball team and join the rec competition. In short, we suck. Okay, we aren't that bad and we could probably do okay against people our own age and skill level, but all the other teams were made of college kids. We got creamed over and over. It was brutal. On the evening of our last game, there was a storm. Normally a cancellation would have been a relief, but we were actually ahead and doing great. We finally played the only other team that was near our level. We only got one inning in, but the score was our best of the season. Needless to say, I don't think we'll be signing up again.

Amy got married!! Sure, you probably don't know Amy. I played her stepmother in Three Princes, and she was in ballroom with June and Ivory. We adore her. And she found her own prince. They looked so happy and lovely together. We sure wish them well. (We means all of us, even though Daisy and I were the only ones who could attend that night.)

That same night, Daisy and I went to see Singin' in the Rain. It was SO GOOD! I absolutely loved it and Daisy had never seen it before and she adored it too. The special effects were so fun. The rain scene was epic. It was all just stunning. I'm so glad Daisy chose this one (with a little nudging from her mom).

Oh, that's it folks. We hit the end of the pictures and the end of June. So much fun and summer has been so great. I am not looking forward to school starting even a little bit. But I still have time. 

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