Thursday, July 7, 2022

Three Miles Never Felt So Long

(June 30th, 2022)

Here's another new hike we found. We decided to hike up to Silver Lake. I'm learning so much about these places and I love having info. This hike is above Tibble Fork Reservoir. In fact, as you drive up the mountain you can see it down below. (There is also a Silver Lake hike at Brighton, but it's not this one.)

All Trails is great for lots of info, but there are some things they leave out. For instance, the road that leads up to Silver Lake Reservoir is three miles long. But they don't mention that it is a very bumpy dirt road. It was crazy and I was glad my van could make it. We followed a couple cars up and I figured if that small car could make it, I could too.

Pearl was so funny. She was navigating and she would tell us as we finished each mile, but at 9 mph, it took a bit. She said three miles never felt so long. But finally we could see Silver Lake Reservoir. So, you drive up to the Reservoir and then you hike up to the lake. 

The hike is 4.7 miles round trip. It was easily the hardest hike we had done so far, but we were up for a challenge. This trailhead was marked very clearly. (I'm learning that not all of them are.)

The trail was easy to follow and I like it when there are rocks and stuff to climb over while you go. It makes it more interesting. 

We saw a lot of wildflowers and even a few cool mushrooms. There was a whole section with little green caterpillars on the ground. 

This hike had a couple streams to cross. It mentions on the app that you can get across without getting wet. There are plenty of rocks and logs to scramble across.

It was a breathtaking hike. As we hiked up the mountain, we could see down to Silver Lake Reservoir. This whole thing was just up. I wonder how much elevation we covered. (Hmm, the app says 1433 ft.)

Some was in the shade, but we also had plenty of time in the sun, especially towards the top. Time to hydrate. I think we drank the most we ever had on this hike.

I really love our hiking days. It makes me feel active and like I'm not wasting this beautiful state that I live in. I've lived in Utah for over two decades now and I've explored more this summer than the other years combined.

After a good amount of hiking, we made it!! We found Silver Lake. It is not terribly large, but it was very pretty. We took off shoes and let our feet rest and chill. (The lake was nice and cold.)

I think it was too cold for swimming, but maybe on a very hot day? Then it was just back down the mountain again. Most of the trails we have done are out and back. Not too many loops. But it's okay to see the scenery twice and sometimes I find things I didn't see on the way up, like this mostly heart rock.

Back across the water of course. (I may have dunked a foot by accident, but I was wearing sandals, so that was minor.)

All the way back down to the car. A couple of last pictures. I really liked the water covering the road. I'm not sure where that went since we didn't go that way.

And one last picture on the way down. Ivory normally drives home, but I did the fun three mile stretch of bumpiness.

Our treat was actually made the next day, but I always put them after hiking, so I'll just include it in this post. We made souffle. Actually, I made it. The girls were busy and getting things done, so I made it by myself. I've never tried it before and I think it turned out pretty well. Ivory said she loved it. It is best hot out of the oven with a little ice cream. Scrumptious.

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