Wednesday, July 6, 2022


(June 27th, 2022)

I went back and looked at all my posts of going to the zoo. It was really fun to see the girls at different ages. And the animals pretty much stay the same. Today will mostly be a picture dump since I know you've seen most of this before. I don't need to describe much to you. But I will mention that I only put in pictures that I really liked. In fact, I kept it to 20. Right? That is remarkably low for me. :)

It was just the younger three again. Robyn was back from FSY, but she was super sunburned and not interested in walking around. (I don't blame her in the least.) So let's do it. Can you name all these animals? I think there might be a couple stumpers. 

So fun right? I have mixed feelings every time I go to the zoo. I'm so glad there are animals that we can see and I also feel bad they are in captivity. Robyn is currently in Ghana, so I hope she comes back with some pictures of animals in the wild. 

This last picture is to show you that Ivory is driving. I let her drive home and it was quite the experience. A  camper had rolled on the freeway and caused quite the backup in traffic. We were extremely low on gas (the light was already on) and Ivory was super stressed about it. She was worried we'd run out while we idled in the heat. We turned off the AC to preserve anything we could and we sweltered and prayed we would make it. Guess what? We totally made it. And Ivory did a great job under pressure. Hopefully this experience will help her fill her tank earlier than her mother does. 

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