Tuesday, August 16, 2022

A Week of Trusting in the Lord

(June 6-11, 2022)

Shhh. My mom doesn't know I'm writing this. She's been bugging me for AGES to get me to blog about FSY and she's out at school right now. I have like 3 hours before I really have anything to do so I figured I would surprise her with a long waited post. Love you Mom <3

But also sorry cause this post is gonna be totally all over the place. Like, literally zero flow. But it's what you get. 

Okay we'll see how the pictures go for this post. I'm not entirely sure if I know what I'm doing. Let's start with Kels and I leaving. Obviously, we were roommates cause we're like basically sisters besides that fact that we're not. So her mom took us up to Snow College and then left us there. And us being early, we had a lot of time to sit there and do nothing so I taught her boinx cause yes.

Eventually all the girls showed up and we grouped together and our amazing counselor, Abby, went over the rules with us. My favorite part is that the rules are the same for every FSY. They have the same notebooks and the same thing for virtually every single one. And the notebook says 'Follow the instructions on your meal card.' And Abby's like 'yeah, I don't have one but you guys do.' So we all look at our lanyards and this is our meal card. 

So we all had to follow the instructions. I think we did a pretty good job though.

Then we went and met up with the boys and Nathan, my other counselor, and chose a company spot. We picked a spot under a tree and it seemed nice but it was kinda muddy and as we kept spending time there, we killed all the grass until it was just mud. We did some get to know you games until the Family Home Evening meeting. I knew everyone's name by then and showed Abby and she gave me a little treat she had in her bag. I always claim I'm bad with names. I don't know anymore though...

Gracie couldn't get Nathan's name to stick in her head and kept accidentally calling him Spencer. So by the third day, the name Spencer stuck in everyone else's to the point that he was responding to it by Thursday. We would also call out 'Mom!' whenever we were looking for Abby. And randomly, she would often just show up.

We did family home evening games on Mon and they were weird but then we set some group goals and my group was all for desegregation. Throughout the entire rest of the week, when we'd sit together as a company, we'd yell 'DESEGREGATE' and make people switch spots and stuff. There were more girls than guys which made it hard sometimes but it ended up resulting in me making some good friendships with the guys which was awesome. 

We had classes and stuff on Tuesday and Wednesday which were awesome. Literally the teachers were so good and I didn't regret any of the ones I went to. The evening activities were pretty fun, especially the dances, and it was just like a constant blast, no matter what we were doing.

We had to make a poster for our company. Our company name was 'Strength in Faith' and I helped design the poster. They said 'everyone needs to help' and I was like 'how is the best way to get everyone to be able to do a piece?' So I traced the letters and told everyone to fill in flowers. And they did. And everyone helped. I'm genius. 

We were all such good friends by Tuesday that we were all convinced we were going home the next day because it just wasn't possible that we loved each other this much already. The week must have flown by without us knowing. But that was not the case which made the next couple days even more enjoyable. 

Thursday was 'dress up' day. We all wore our church clothes and split up the guys and girls. It was an awesome day, a lot less focused on fun and a lot more focused on the spirit. You could feel the spirit so strong that even when you were just walking to the next place, you wouldn't have received any weird looks if you just started crying. Sister Bonnie H. Cordon came to talk to us that night and she had everyone stand and sing Peace in Christ. I literally only sang one line cause I was crying so hard and that's my new favorite song. After that I waited in a forever long line to get a hug from Sister Cordon. It was definitely the kind of experience I'll never forget. 

We all were kinda just sad the next day because it was the last day. I got pictures with everyone that I spent the most time with. And I made everyone take a selfie with me, looking directly at the sun so they're all terrible pictures but I love it.








Garret (who avoided the sun somehow)

And last but not least, my amazing counselors

The food was really not that good but meal time was an awesome time to bond. 

Oh! There were these um, counselor counselors, like in charge of just other stuff, I don't know how to describe it. Basically just a counselor that didn't have a company so they just went from company to company. They had a name. I don't remember it. But anyway there was a girl named Julia and she took a group of us to the bathroom one time and we became her favorites and she became ours so I spent all of Friday looking for her so that I could get a selfie. 

One of the best parts of FSY is the last friendships I made with specifically 2 people. Ashton and Gracie. Them, Kels and I became a little quadruplet and it was really hard to leave them. We met up again Saturday morning before we left too cause we just didn't want to have to say goodbye. We had a handshake that we did too. It was really weird but yknow, so are we.

All in all I had an absolutely fabulous time and I was originally excited but it exceeded my expectations 12 times over. I loved it so much and I loved all the people I met. I 100% recommend it to anyone, even if there's someone who doesn't want to. It's the best.

Anyway one last picture of the whole company.  

And this just cause. Lol. We had so much fun. 

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