Thursday, August 11, 2022

Ivory's 16 Year Gallery

(August 11th, 2022)

Well, it's becoming a tradition to wait until Ivory is almost halfway through her birthday year before taking pictures. I don't feel like it is my fault this time around. I would ask Ivory and I always got the same answer...not today. In fact, I had put off Pearl and Ivory's photo shoot and I would always ask Ivory first (since her birthday is just before Pearl's) and eventually I took Pearl anyway. That was back in June. So I take no credit for this extremely late post. 

But I totally take credit for the cuteness which is Ivory. She is such a beautiful girl. I still think she looks young and she is adamant that she looks 16 or perhaps older. People seem to be all over the map. Some people ask if she's in college, others think she's 13. I guess she has an ageless face. 

We had fun going to take pictures. I've definitely run out of original spots to take the kids, but their faces are always original. Here is Ivory in her 16 (and a half) glory. (I bet you cannot guess her favorite color.)

Eventually we had to leave because Ivory was being eaten alive. I didn't even see a mosquito, but Ivory had three bites (one on her finger) that looked angry already. Time to go.

We planned to go get lunch at Red Tacos because we've been craving them. But we had a little time. I felt bad that I've missed balloons on her last two birthdays, so I made it up with a pedicure. Ivory said she's never had one before. But now we have super cute toes. It means we need to wear sandals as long as possible into the fall.

Then we went out to lunch. Yep, just as delicious as the first time.

Ivory also wanted a Cazookie, but I was feeling bad that Pearl was home alone, so we went to grab her. Plus, a Cazookie is basically the right size for three people. We literally finished it off in less than two minutes. The hostess probably thought we were animals.

It was a really fun day and I love getting pictures of the girls. It's weird to think that some of the girls are too old now (since I stop at 18). Maybe this will have to be a tradition with the grandkids too.

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