Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Becoming the Tallest Girl

We've always known Daisy was going to be taller than a lot of her sisters, perhaps all. This birthday we put the highest mark we've made for a girl on the chart. Congrats Daisy. It's quite an achievement in our home.

We celebrated Daisy's birthday late again. Last year she was in Idaho. This year, she was at Girls Camp and she wanted to wait for Robyn to get back from Ghana anyway. So we pushed it back a week. We actually celebrated Robyn getting back and Daisy's birthday the same day. I'm not putting the Robyn stuff on here, since it has its own post, but she clearly is present. :)

We got Daisy balloons, summery themed.

And her cake was very appropriate for July. She had no trouble blowing out 14 candles, and then the girls served it up in a pattern. That's never happened before.

Daisy got some great gifts, most of them soft things for her to sleep on or with. She has enjoyed making her bed with different coordinating blankets and pillows and the stuff she got worked perfectly.

Then we went to Wardle park to play. The swings were super fun.

Then we tried the huge slide, but I wasn't that impressed. It wasn't fast or slidey. You just kind of stuck to the slide and didn't move. Maybe it was because a lot of kids had been going down with wet bums? In fact, Daisy got a very damp bum going down. Dad looked at her back end and said, "Daaaaaam....p" (I thought it was funny.)

We played on the zipline seat thing. It really pops you up at the end when it hits the stopper. Fun for kids and adults.

I avoided the spinny things. Here is a spider web that also spins. Seems weird to combine, but it works.

Then just some more picture fun. (Daisy did the June face in the last picture.)

You may have noticed the dark clouds. They were slowly rolling in and then it started to pour. That was our cue to go home. The park had a splash pad and the girls were asking how much I would pay for them to run through the water. I told them I would give them each $2 if they stayed dry. I didn't want water in the car. Which means when it started to rain, everyone flew to the car. No one wanted to lose their $2. (Which reminds me...I owe everyone $2)

It was a fun day and it is always great to celebrate another year of awesomeness. Thanks for being born in the summer Daisy.

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