Tuesday, August 2, 2022

The Concert that FINALLY Happened

(July 13th, 2022) This is another mostly guest post pulled from a letter to June. I guess I don't think Tyler includes enough pictures. (I have issues I'm sure.) 

"You may remember about two years ago, we took a trip to Boise. We had planned to go see the Avett Brothers, but it didn't work out quite how I thought. I ended up with a great story that I've been telling a lot lately. Haha. 

On Sunday, I sat down and looked at my schedule, and I thought, "You know what? The two people I had wanted to share this concert with aren't even on the same continent right now. I'd share it with their sisters...but they're at girls camp. I'd gladly hit the concert with Maleen, but she's at girls camp. I think I'll just burn the tickets and be okay with it." Mom caught me sort of moping about it, and said I should go to the concert — something about having waited for two years I shouldn't miss it. 

I decided I'll call my brothers and see if they had plans. JR immediately said he was in, even though he had no idea the kind of music the band played. Kolby couldn't get away. So, JR and I took a road trip. We decided that maybe we ought to invite one of his kids since we had the third ticket. Jack met us at the steakhouse, and we went to the concert. IT WAS AWESOME."

"I really wish you could have been there. I was thinking of you though, and I recorded the fiddler playing her solo. You will love it."

"Also, I got you a souvenir t-shirt. I know you weren't at the concert, but I feel like you earned your t-shirt with the drive you made to Boise with me. I got one for Robyn, and Mom as well. Ironically, the guys that actually attended the concert didn't get t-shirts. Of course, they got to hear the music, so I'm thinking they'll be just fine."

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