Monday, August 29, 2022

Bring the BoM All the Way Up Here

This week felt quite long but we did do a lot of good work. Missionaries always say the days feel like weeks and the weeks feel like days, which I've generally found to be true, but this week the days felt like weeks and the week felt like weeks. But even at the end of a long week I can look back and just feel good about it. I love my job.

We had a miracle find this week. Cristina waved us down while we were walking to district council which was in another area of the zone. So we started talking with her assuming she would be part of that area, but she turns out to live in ours! She lives in Altamira, which is far enough away from the church that no one there has ever come. But when we commented something about her living far, she was like, "it's not that far" and wants to come to church! We had a fire first lesson with her in which she told us that Joseph Smith received an answer to his prayer because he prayed in faith, before we even told her what happened!

Another cool thing. My comp got a prompting to bring a Libro de Mormón to stake conference yesterday. Speaking of which, that was amazing. It was so cool to see so many faithful members of the restored church of Jesus Christ just pouring into the chapel.

Anyway though, near the end, our mission president, who was sitting on the stand, texted us asking if we had a Libro de Mormón and asked us to address it to Mari and write our testimonies in the front and bring it up to him during the closing song. So we did. We were sitting in the very back row of the overflow so it was kind of a long walk all the way up to the stand and all the way back with lots of questioning looks (especially from the missionaries), but Presidente gave Mari her LdM so all is good. The mission president is the only person (other than the prophet) with the keys to receive revelation for everyone in this mission, and he felt like that moment was the moment to give her a LdM. He gave us a ride back to our apartment after and told us he was prompted to ask us if we had that Libro de Mormón, so promptings all around.

And we put Jostin on date! His mom is an inactive member and she has a strong testimony so literally no idea why she's inactive. I think she moved and just fell out of the habit or something? Triste. But now she's ready to be a solid active member again and told us over like 18 texts that she would never ever miss church again ever for any reason. It was the most solid commitment I've ever seen. And her son Jostin is so excited about getting baptized! It's awesome.

Also guess who just called us as I was writing this?? Mari!! The lady who Presidente gave our LdM to! She said thanks and that she started reading it! Holy cow this work is so awesome!!!

I got pooped on again by a bird (the luck is just overflowing). Oh, and one time we missed the last guagua to get home and walked 40 minutes in the dark three feet away from the freeway the whole time. Mildly sketchy but the worst part was that we had to miss two lessons because of it.

Hasta la próxima!

Hermana Cazier


1-2. we're slightly banana obsessed

3. another seflie

4. classic pica pollo

5. it rained so much this week and it was so awesome! I love the rain so much. The umbrella in that picture has since decided it was done functioning and attempting to use a broken umbrella for most of the week was fun.

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