Sunday, August 28, 2022

Chalk the Block 2022

(Aug 27th, 2022)

It has been a really long time since we've been to Chalk the Block. Did they stop for Covid? Who knows? The last time we went was in 2016. And we would have missed it this year, but I happened to see a friend on Facebook who was one of the artists. 

So we got everyone who was available on Saturday and went to walk around. The weather was so nice. (Looking back at the blog, it says Chalk the Block is normally in September. Maybe they moved it earlier to get the nicer weather?) It was super fun to see all the art. 

There seemed to be a theme. They probably have one every time, but I didn't notice until now. The theme was the Great Outdoors. Some are very obvious and others seem to merit their own interpretation. I didn't take pictures of every piece, but I took pictures of plenty since there were SO MANY cool ones. Good job artists.

There were a couple where you needed to stand in the right place to get the right perspective. I couldn't even see the butterflies correctly until I took a picture.

This next one (Westley and Buttercup) was done by my friend Amy Moore. She is amazing. And I've never been to Fish Lake in Utah, but many people recognized it. 

So amazing, right? Do you have a favorite? 

Pearl was my buddy. We walked around together, so you get extra pictures of her.

I got the other two to take a selfie in the car. Looks like they nailed it. 

In case you wondered about our favorites:

Dad: Perspective with Crocodile
Mom: Mando
Robyn: Mando (I showed her my favorite first, then she walked me in a circle, right back to Mando, since that was her favorite too. :)
Ivory: Mountains/Hummingbird
Daisy: Nature Flower (I wish I got a better picture. Every petal had an awesome drawing inside. You can't see it very well from farther away.)
Pearl: Nature Flower/Queen Frog

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