Tuesday, August 2, 2022

July Chatbook 2021

Here's the official wrap-up from July of last year. Nothing like keeping current. But I do enjoy the juxtaposition of the two years laid on top of one another. We do similar things around the same time of year and it's cool to see what has changed from last year to now. So let's see what we were randomly up to last July.

So, we painted the library and then I wanted to redecorate a little. Robyn and I found this lovely sideboard cabinet at RC Willey. I bought it and then it was delayed...for 6 months. I kept calling to ask if it was still coming. And in the meantime, I diligently looked for other things that would fit the bill, but I never found anything I liked as well. (Tyler misheard me and he kept wondering why I was always looking for a cyborg.) So in January it finally came in, and I adore it. 

Tyler and I went to see Guys and Dolls. Super fun. But I like most of the plays I go to.

Oh look. I did do some hiking last year. This may be the only hike I did, but proof that I'm not a total sluggo.

This picture reminds me of the series V. Yep, you probably have no idea what that is. Unless you grew up in the 80s and watched strange sci-fi series.

Nova loves to be snugged up against something. Often it is a wall, but the base of the table is a frequent location.

It poured one day (gotta love summer storms) and Ivory went out to play. She looks so tiny in this picture.

Two balloons melded together and when we blew up the one, it made a little teapot balloon. I should have drawn a Mrs. Potts on it.

Robyn and I went to The Sound of Music. Loved it.

This is how June spent her summer. Not on the truck necessarily, but on her phone, chatting with Isaac. She even had a countdown on her phone for when he was getting back from Alaska.

Daddy daughter date with Pearl. I don't think this was for anything special. Although it is special to go out with Dad.

Tyler got to hang out at Top Golf. It actually looks pretty swanky. Sit back, eat your nachos and caviar, and hit a few buckets into the horizon.

Pearl was still helping Brother Muench with his garden. She'd often come home with fresh tidbits of goodness.

Ivory went to visit Annie in Florida and I guess the younger girls really missed her. She was practically a celebrity when she got back.

June did more hiking than I did. (That's normal) She has more friends and more endurance. :)

June was also still loving her job at Color Me Mine. You can always tell when it was a good glazing day.

I can't tell if this is a good or bad hair day?

You can't really see our cute stars on thars, but we have some on our cheeks.

These two. Cute then, cute now.

This is when Ivory left for Florida. There was still masking at the airport. I'm so glad that is gone now.

Robyn was gearing up for Marching Band. This was her music. No worries...she just had to memorize it all.

Last one. I think this must have been Robyn and Dad's booster shot. Fully vaccinated, yeah.

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