Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Blonds Have More Fun

(July 28th, 2021)

I'm just zipping through and finishing up July from LAST YEAR. (Don't mind me) 

This post seems kind of anticlimactic, since Robyn's hair is already WAY different from what it was last year, but it is still cool to see the transformation. And I really loved her hair this way. It was super pretty. 

She decided sometime in the summer that she wanted a change. It is convenient that she can sketch her own little versions of herself to see what she thinks would look good. If I tried that, I'm not sure you would recognize that it is a person, or hair.

Then we got some before shots. Robyn had really long hair at the time. I think she wanted to go with something shorter and maybe get away from always being called June. (They look similar enough that people get them mixed up all the time.)

Robyn was pretty independent on this decision. She scheduled the appointment and paid for it all by herself, which is nice, since color costs a lot. If I remember correctly (it was a year ago) they were behind on the day she went in, so she had to come back a second time. Seems to me they should have discounted her cost a bit, but I'm pretty sure they didn't. Anyway, check out the process.

And final look. 

Obviously, as you all know, you can never quite get it to look the same as when the chica styles it, but Robyn always looked fantastic. So, for a while, you can look for her with blond hair in all these posts from a year ago. There's still plenty more to come.

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