Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Things are Looking a Little Gray

(July 5, 2021)

After Tyler painted a rental property gray, he decided that everything should be gray. Our house has been needing a new paint job for a while, so he brought the gray back and said he was starting the great transformation.  Except that it was too dark. I thought the rental looked very nice, but I can only handle so much dark gray. So Tyler went and found another gray for me, which is much more up my alley.

And then he (and crew) painted the library. It was our first spot to get the gray. You will notice from the pictures that there were lots of good helpers. Even Isaac was around and was helping out plenty. I did not paint, but this is usual for me. I don't like it. Someone told me in high school that I was a terrible painter and it has kinda stuck with me. I'm happy to let others paint. (Although I did do all the white touchups on the chair rail and baseboards.)

I think the end product is amazing. I love the gray. Well...light gray. It almost has a periwinkle tint to it. The library was a good place to start. Next up...Carnegie.

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