Saturday, August 6, 2022

Party Hardy

(July 30th, 2022)

Summer is slowly wrapping up, but there are still fun things happening. Today I'm combining a couple parties. First off, we had a big neighborhood BBQ. Mahonri organized a big shindig, with a bounce house and a whole roasted pig. We all paid to attend but it was very affordable. 

Robyn brought down some face painting stuff and I was first in line, much to one mom's chagrin. (I don't think she realized Robyn was my daughter. I was just this pushy adult who went before the children.) I loved the design Robyn did on me. (Although look closely. The bottom of my earring is missing. Somehow the camera didn't think it existed.)

Robyn did Mahonri too, although he must have washed it off shortly after since I never saw it on him.

I played Spikeball the whole time, naturally. The kids did whatever they wanted. I know Pearl sat down and had a long talk with Aric. Pearl said they talked about school and stuff but I bet she was getting Real Estate tips.

It was a fun evening all around. I didn't even recognize half the kids. But it's always good to meet new people. Oh, Robyn also rode the grom down there. She is getting pretty good at motorcycle riding. (She just needs her license.)

Meanwhile, Ivory went to a party of her own. (Not the same night. Three nights before.) She works for In -N-Out and they had a big company picnic. Ivory was allowed to bring a plus one and she took Kelsie. (That seems very grown up and sad for the rest of us.) They had such a blast. They took so many cute photos and got face paint as well, although theirs may have been a little more fancy. Check it out. (I really like the picture where Ivory is drowning in a milkshake.)

They also rode on a ton of rides. They went on the Zipper at least seven times. They got cute balloon animals. Kelsie got a swan and a frog. (Do those go together? Like JuanBob from the Swan Princess?)

Ivory got a Mickey Mouse for Isaac, but he had some trouble and I found him looking like this when she got home. (Slightly disturbing.)

Also, Ivory's face paint was a special "black-light" paint. So, naturally, when she came home, Tyler turned the black light on her. It was so boss. (I'm glad they got pictures since I wasn't home and missed it in person.)

I'm trying to be excited for school to start soon, but I look at all these fun pictures and I want summer to last for another month or so. 

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