Sunday, August 7, 2022


(July 31st, 2022)

We've found a few snakes in the yard this year. I actually love it when we find snakes. I think they are so cool. Most of the time they are actually found by Nova, who likes to dart in and out at them. Robyn saw Nova questing after something and went to investigate. At first, she couldn't see anything, but then she found this little guy.

He's so tiny. Just a baby. A baby snake is called a snakelet, much like a baby pig is called a piglet. So adorable. 

I'm glad the snakes we get around here aren't poisonous. I'm assuming I'd like them less if I was worried about a fatal bite, but as it is, we love to hold them. The big ones we hold outside, since they often try to musk you, but this one didn't seem aggressive at all. And not shy either.

His (her) eyes were so dark? I feel like you can usually see where they are looking and such, but I couldn't make out what his eyes were doing at all.

I don't think I have any kids that fear snakes. Daisy might not offer to hold one, but she's not scared of them. The rest of the bunch would probably be the one in the group to catch a snake. Pearl certainly was digging this cutie.

Who knew snakes could be artistic. Look at this one make a cute infinity sign. 

It was really fun to hold this guy. Robyn eventually put him back outside, where he will be happiest, as long as he doesn't run into Nova again.

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