Sunday, August 7, 2022

July Chatbook 2022

I just wrapped up July from last year. Now let's see what leftovers we have from July this year. I know I've said this before, but Chatbook posts are some of my favorites. I love to see all the random pictures that show up on people's phones. It's all those little memories that are the glue of life. 

We still have a Ghana post coming from Robyn, but I liked these before and after shots of her leaving and coming back. What an experience.

Our neighbor dog had puppies again. It's hard not to love a jumble of puppies. One day they were all lying in a hole together. It was frankly adorable. They are a little bigger now and don't stay in a pen, so we get little visitors to our yard now and then. Nova hates it so much, but the kids love it.

Speaking of Nova, Ivory bought her this squeaky unicorn. She got the squeaker out in minutes and I've found fluff all over the house. She likes to disembowel things. I'm glad she only has stuffed animals to work on. I couldn't handle real animal guts strewn about the house.

Robyn's hair is getting longer. I love this fluffy stage. It's so pretty. I contributed wavy hair to her genetics, so I take some credit for her good looks.

We got a VR system. Usually we name things, but nothing has caught on. We all just call it the Oculus. We all enjoy it, but some of us are better than others at the games. Daisy was literally made for that machine. I can't even come close to her high scores. It's frustrating. And no, she doesn't normally play in a dress, but it certainly didn't slow her down either.

Ah, look at her cute hair. That girl is growing up. We'll have to keep her in braces all year so she doesn't seem too grown up. 

Ivory had friends from FSY over. It was so fun that they could get together. Now if I could just get her to blog about her experience there...

Dad had a fun temple morning. He took the girls for baptisms. (I don't get invited to these since I can't help as much.) And then he went back to the temple with me. He was powered up for the day.

It's lawn mowing season which means Dad is always trying to get the kids to mow. Of course, the lawn mower broke which makes it harder. Ivory was brave enough to borrow the neighbor's. She makes it look easy.

This is an upcoming development. This is Pearl's French Horn. It has a name already. It is Malone. Sadly, the history behind this French Horn is kind of tragic. A young girl, named Malone, played it until she died at 16 in a car accident. Her mother kept the horn in storage for a long time, but finally decided to sell it. We are now the proud owner's, and I hope that Pearl will get as much enjoyment out of playing as Malone did.

We got some bath bombs for Dad for Father's Day. He's been slowly using them. (You know, saving them for special occasions.) He took a picture of the last one since I don't think he was expecting such a dark bath. It looks like swamp water. Does that make Tyler the creature from the Black Lagoon?

Bet you didn't know Nova makes a good pillow? Well, she doesn't actually. Doesn't mean Tyler won't try.

Ivory and I went to see The Drowsy Chaperone. It was mostly good and a little weird. I had never seen it before. There were some very funny parts and then just some stuff that was bizarre. I think I would watch it again. I won't try to give you a synopsis. It's too hard. You'll just have to do your own research if you're interested.

Tyler really hates pigeons. It's possible he has taken a few shots at ones in our neighborhood. But it doesn't matter since the minute one disappears, another takes its place. He doesn't like the cooing and it will often wake him up. (I don't really notice as much.) One morning, I looked out and saw two birds just chilling outside the sunroom. They do like to hang out around our house. They look like doves to me. When I think pigeon, I think of this guy.

He has a dark head and lighter body and is a Rock pigeon. The birds we find around the house seem like doves. Well, upon looking it up, they are the same bird. Scientifically, there is no difference between a dove and pigeon, although the typical 'dove' is the smaller member of the species. And the tails can be a little different. I had no idea. So...dove...pigeon, Tyler hates you both. I suggest you don't sit still long around our house.

A few of us put glitter on our faces for the fourth of July. This inspired Daisy to try something a little more edgy. I like it, although I wonder if it made her skin itch?

Look at these two cuties. This was the Hive swim appreciation night. Tyler wasn't even in town, which was funny. But I took the kids to swim. We ran into the Js there, and Jack and Rozz, so that was really fun. We don't see them nearly enough. And I didn't take any pictures of them. Boo.

Daisy finally lost her last few teeth this month. She is officially all grown up, mouth wise. (Although she still has several that need to grow in.) However, since she already had braces on, she would lose a tooth, but it wouldn't fall out since it was bracketed into her mouth. Twice we had to go to the orthodontist to remove a tooth. You can see here that they weren't attached anymore. They were just hanging on by a bracket.

Ivory and I tried The Block for lunch. It was actually pretty tasty, but I admit that the tacos weren't as good as Red Tacos. (Man, that place was so good, I'm craving it.) Ivory has a habit of getting burgers that don't fit in her mouth.

The younger kids are a little pickier, but they had a fun brunch menu, so I brought them back another time and we got super yummy french toast with unicorn syrup. (Not made from unicorns...just a fancy name for buttermilk syrup.) And Robyn tried the same burger and had the same result as Ivory. They just don't have huge mouths.

I already posted about girls camp, but I love to see the girls crash afterward. Everyone is so tired that naps are almost mandatory. I didn't keep track of Daisy, so I don't know if she got one, but these cuties managed a little snooze.

Our #EmmaStrong shirts came finally. Not in time for camp, but they look great and I'll happily wear mine to school. 

Ivory got a slight trim. I find it funny because you can't see much difference between the before and after but she could totally tell that I cut three inches off. 

You know Pearl is bored when she is playing Crossy Road upsidedown. Anything to change the monotony.

This is very typical. Nova often likes to find the exact spot you want to stand and sit there. When I'm making dinner, she's right in front of the stove, or right under my feet when I'm chopping vegetables. Or when it's time to wash dishes, this is her favorite spot. She is such a stinker.

But she can be cute too. Look at her napping on Robyn's bed.

We're just about there folks. Don't give up hope. I love summer for the random storms and beautiful skies. Pearl snapped a photo on such an evening. I never get tired of pretty clouds, sunsets, and such. The other evening was a great lightning storm. I didn't get pictures but I stood outside in the rain and watched for half an hour. It was awesome.

I saw that July 30th, is national cheesecake day. I do love some cheesecake, so I hurried out and got a few ingredients. It wasn't ready until the next day, but we still ate cheesecake in honor of...cheesecake.

And finally a couple pictures I missed from Bear Lake. Tyler always has to put the coffin up on the car since it won't fit in the garage, so we don't leave it on the van. Pearl is just the right size to help out. She is a trooper to always crawl in the coffin.

And me. We talked about my awesome wavy hair genes. Well, I gave the girls their little ringlets too. Ivory saw my hair after getting out of the lake and she had to take a picture. Who doesn't love sweet curls?

I did a great job staying current this summer, but it's about time we dug back in the past again to see what we were doing in August of last year. Stay tuned...

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