Monday, August 8, 2022

Book Wizard (a.k.a Librarian)

(August 5th, 2022)

Let's talk about my blogging problem. :) I've never been great about staying on top of it, but there have definitely been certain things that derail the train. Girls camp has been one in the past. Also large posts that hang over my head has been an issue. (I literally think about the number of pictures and put it off.) But the big one has been the new job. This isn't current news, since I got the job last year, but the job was one of the many things that didn't make the blog because I was too busy doing the job...well, you get it right?

I got hired as the Assistant Librarian at our Junior High School. The same Junior High I'd worked at for five years as a copy person. I loved my copy job. It was short and sweet and kept me in the loop. But I love books so much more. So when Sharon left, it seemed perfect for me. Actually, the conversation went something like this:

Sharon: I'm not going to be here next year. I'm leaving to go to a new school.

Me: Oh no! You are so amazing. I don't want you to leave! Who could take your place?

Sharon: You??

That got the ball spinning in my head and the rest is history. I definitely had huge shoes to fill. Sharon was seriously epic in her library displays. I've put many of them on the blog before because I loved them all. I would walk by the library and think, ooh, I need to get a picture of this. It's awesome

I knew I wasn't going to be able to do what she does. But I do bring my own style and happiness to the library. And I don't have complaints from anyone. Last year, I started simple with the side display board and the connecting wall. I wasn't going to touch the outside doors and windows.

I did a Crime theme and I thought it turned out super cute. I didn't realize until later that most kids thought the books could not be checked out because of the CAUTION tape. I later put up a sign that said, "YES, You can check these books out" but it didn't make much difference.

Actually, that wall is ignored in general. It's probably because it's in a weird location, but it is super rare for anyone to check out books from that display.

Needless to say, I love my job. But it took a toll on my life. Balancing family, calling (I also got my new calling in the Stake around the same time), work, hobbies, and home was harder than I thought it would be. Some things took a back seat and blogging was one of them. I got further and further behind until I'm where I am today...a year behind. 

This summer I have kicked butt and been so on top of things (even with Girls Camp), but school starts next week and already I can feel the crush of a job settling on my shoulders. But I can do hard things, and this isn't my first year now. I've got some experience under my belt and I'm going to be better at balancing. Plus, the blog will not be put on the back burner. 

Also, I already have the library display finished for the start of school. I owe most of it to my awesome kids who came three days in a row and helped me with everything. They are the best!! Want to sea? Warning: The display is a little heavy on the puns.

Robyn did the whales and seahorse which are beautiful. I did the side board (where no one will look anyway) although Daisy and Pearl helped me spray paint the net since it was too light. The shark is one of my favorite things (did you see Pearl's little hand?) but I also worry that he will get destroyed first because he's interactive. We'll see how long he lasts.

Anyway, just know that you are still in for lots of posts from last year as I make my due repentance. But I can't leave them be. We had so much fun stuff happen, like Cheer, Wrestling, and a Cruise. Yes, an entire cruise is missing from the blog. Here's to a great year!! (of  blogging)

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