Tuesday, August 9, 2022

That One Time June was Frankenstein

(August 9th, 2021)

Inherently, I don't think of the girls' jobs as dangerous. Obviously there are accidents, but I would say they are pretty safe places. June did work near a kiln, so there was potential for burns.

But the first serious on the job injury came from opening a can. And it wasn't at Color Me Mine. Granted, it was one of those number 10 industrial cans. Those things can have a pretty sharp edge. I think June was wearing gloves when she sliced her finger because she noticed the injury as her glove filled with blood. 

She wasn't the first person at work to get such a cut, so they told her to put pressure on it and see if it would stop bleeding. It didn't. She took a picture and sent it to Tyler to see if she perhaps needed stitches. She did.

We actually tried to take her into an Instacare place, but it didn't exist anymore. So I called up our pediatrician and they said to bring her in. You can see the fun wall behind June. She isn't much of a kid anymore, but they weren't picky. 

They moved us into a different room for the actual stitches. I'm not squeamish and since my kids aren't babies anymore, I don't mind people sticking them with needles, so I wanted to watch. So did June. She was super tough and watched in an interested manner as they numbed her thumb and then started to stitch. Like a little patient, the thumb was the only thing sticking out of the cloth.

A couple stitches fell out and had to be redone, but the doctor did a pretty good job and from some angles it looked like we had to sew her entire thumb back on. (Don't worry, not the case)

She left with a very fat wrapped thumb which is ironic, since they actually had to remove quite a bit of fat to get the wound to close. I was worried this would be the skinny thumb when it healed since she essentially had some liposuction done to it.

June had to be creative since she was still working her two jobs and she was down a hand. But she managed just fine. And she healed quickly. She had a little numbness in her thumb, but I believe that went away with time. 

And the good news is that we haven't had to sew any more body parts back onto her. I think she learned her lesson.

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