Monday, September 26, 2022

Another Fire Week in Navarrete

Buenas tardes!! It's been a great week. I've been seeing so much growth in myself this whole transfer. It seems to be exponential every week.

This week I found out how to see people a little closer to the way God sees them. Man sees weakness, but God sees potential. My mission president recommended to me to teach everyone with the thought in my head that I will baptize them. It's made a huge difference in the way I teach and the way I feel.

Before this point on my mission, I've had a lot of lessons with people who seemed fine with hearing our message, but then we started teaching and found out they were "Castólicos". It's really easy at that point to think, "oh, they're not interested. Well, we're already here, let's just get through the lesson so we can go teach someone who's actually gonna progress." I've done that many times. But this week we changed that. I started to understand the actual necessity of sharing the gospel with God's children. They may not accept it. It may not be their time. But how are they supposed to become interested unless they can feel the Spirit, and how are we supposed to bring the Spirit to a lesson if we're thinking to ourselves, "well this is a lost cause"?

We had ten people at church this Sunday! No one was there when church started, which was kind of discouraging since we had a goal to have ten. But then they started to trickle in, one by one, until we had ten people and reached our goal. That was so awesome! It made me so happy when Laura and her daughter Eribely walked in because they both said they are interested in getting baptized and we kind of were waiting to see some action before setting a date. And there it was!

It POURED one day this week. It was the biggest downpour I've experienced on the mission so far and I LOVED IT. I love the rain so much. We had to cross two literal rivers where the street was supposed to be to get to a lesson.

I'm on my second day trip to Santo Domingo right now to be an official legal resident of the DR. Which basically means a loooong guagua ride and is a huge rip to our P day, but it's fun to hang out with other missionaries for a day. We also got to see the ocean though, and that was awesome.

I ran into almost everyone in my favorite member family from my last area this week! Randomly saw the dad in my area on his way home from work, then when we were at the mission office last night, the kids, Melissa, Geremy, and Melanny, were randomly there!! That was such a fun reunion and I even got to hear first hand about the baptism of Franchesca which had miraculously happened earlier that day after pushing the date back twice. Plus Melissa should be getting her mission call this Tuesday or the next one! I'm so excited for her!

I love you guys! Sorry about sending another email without pictures, but I can't send them from the phone and that's all I've got access to today. I'll make up for it with a lot of photos next week.

Hermana Cazier 

(I got pictures from June and went back and put them into this post. They may not be exactly in the right place, but they are added anyway.)

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