Monday, September 26, 2022

Milagros are EVERYWHERE

Hola todos!! We had the craziest, awesomest week ever.

So backup to interviews real quick. Presidente noticed that we forgot to put a monthly baptismal goal, which was totally my bad. Time just goes so fast that it literally hadn't occurred to me that we were a week into September.

So we went home, prayed hard about it, and set a goal to baptize three people this month. We felt the Spirit confirming that goal and felt good about it.

Then last Sunday one of our people who we thought was gonna get baptized this month didn't come to church, so she now can't get baptized during this month. So when we planned our week that Sunday, we made some crazy goals. We had already felt the confirmation of the Spirit that we would baptize three people this month, so we started making plans to make it happen. We had a goal to put seven people on date, have ten at church, and baptize two. It was insanity. We visited the same people basically every day, (plus trying to have follow up lessons with others) trying to teach them the things necessary to prep them for baptism. And at the end of it all, we got Jostin and Milourha prepared and then baptized. Both of them were so ready and have rock solid testimonies that really go beyond their years. The Spirit during their confirmations was so strong. 

We got ten at church due to miracles upon miracles. My comp and I both felt the Spirit telling us we would have ten, and even when church was ending in fifteen minutes we just waited faithfully, and two more showed up to make ten. Then we realized that Jostin and Milourha didn't count cuz they were new members, but at like seven at night on a call we found out that two people were at church who we've never met, so we still reached the goal. Meaning, God reached the goal for us.

We only put four people on date, but I actually think God directed us to put seven as our goal to teach us some things about missionary work. I've never worked so hard in my life. I was exhausted at the end of every day. I was pouring my soul out for these people and seeking miracles and revelation every day to be able to help them progress.

There's a little bit of insanity happening right now because we're currently in the middle of a hurricane. Not me specifically. Here in Navarrete we're seeing a lot of rain but nothing crazy, which is honestly a bummer. I was hoping for some craziness cuz I passionately love storms, and literally a hurricane is passing right next to us... but just a little too far away that it's actually pretty boring. But because of the hurricane everything in this country is canceled and we are on lockdown stricter than covid quarantine. Which means another email without photos since I don't have access to a computer... sorry about that. You guys'll get a boatload next week.

We also got transfer news. I'm staying in Navarrete, which I'm so grateful for. I love this area and the people here so much. The members have stepped it up with helping in the work these last few weeks and I'm excited to keep using them in the work. And I'm so pumped to have another week as crazy as the last one because we're kind of trying to prepare three people to get baptized on Friday, but they speak Creole not Spanish. It's gonna be LOCO, and what's even better is that I get to do it with a brand new missionary. Training again, and I'm SO pumped for it. This last transfer I have changed so much and really learned how to be a consecrated missionary and rely on the Spirit. Honestly I feel like I learned more in this last transfer than all of my others combined. I've been on a spiritual high for weeks and I'm really excited to throw a new missionary into the craziness that is Navarrete with our high goals, creole lessons, and insane amount of trust in the Lord and His miracles. It's probably gonna be really hard, but I love this work and I'm up for a challenge.

The prophet told us to look for miracles last time he spoke, and it's crazy how once you start looking/working for them, they start happening at breakneck pace. And that's not just true of missionary life. I hope everyone who reads this, missionary or not, can take some time to seek and expect miracles this week. I promise God is working in your life, for your good.

Que tengan una semana buenĂ­sima!!

Hermana Cazier

(I got pictures from June and went back and put them into this post. They may not be exactly in the right place, but they are added anyway.)

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