Monday, September 26, 2022


So remember how I said there was a hurricane last week and it was really boring? It was really boring, but then the after storms were crazy. On Wednesday we were actually walking through lakes up to our shins. Some nice people made us ponchos out of garbage bags and wrapped our sopping wet hair in plastic bags for us. They were so sweet.

On Thursday the humongous canal in our area flooded and the streets were completely filled with water. We had to take a guagua to get back to the church because we literally couldn't walk through the street. It was crazy.

Training's been good this week and Hermana Savage my comp is awesome! I love her so much. We had some rough laundry dilemmas today and accidentally flooded our neighbors house... which leads to me writing this sad short email. But here's some pictures to make up for it. It's not even all of them but it's all the ones I could find for the moment. More coming next week. Love you guys!

Hermana Cazier

(The pictures June included with this email were ones I already had and used in other blog posts. So you get the only picture I didn't have :) — This isn't her new companion. I'm hoping for some pictures of Hermana Savage next week. Meanwhile, adios Hermana Cook!

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