Tuesday, September 27, 2022


(September 16th, 2021)

Many cruises ago...(wow, it's weird to say many, but that is the case now. We are cruisers) we stopped in Cozumel, but we didn't really go in, so to speak. Cozumel is an island off the east coast of Mexico. There is plenty to do there, but you can also travel to the mainland which is what we did so we could go to the Secret River. This time around, we stayed in Cozumel.

I do remember the port being lovely. And it was still really neat. They had some people dressed up in very cool costumes. Run Deanne, I think he is beckoning you.

We didn't have set plans this day, but we settled on trying out Chankanaab, which is a beach park. I feel like this map makes it look like Disneyland but there really wasn't a lot to do there. But when you are looking for a day of relaxation, you don't need much.

It wasn't far to the park. We took two taxis and the other car got some great footage of the driver explaining the map while driving. He barely looks at the road. Impressive.

We made it there just fine. Randomly, they had us pay at a road side stand and then go to the park. It seemed weird and I always worry we will get ripped off somehow, but we ended up at the park and they let us in. And they had a cool sign inside. I do love large letters. And people must have been very nice to take pictures for us, since we are all in there.

The beach was stunning. It could be right off a brochure. 

We got some snorkeling gear and spent a little time in the water swimming around. I don't have any pictures, but it was okay. I'm not a huge snorkeling fan. Salt water and all that. And I met a very aggressive fish. He was over by the stairs and he didn't want anyone coming into his territory. In fact, he bit me. Do fish have teeth? I mean besides piranhas. I didn't really think of them as dangerous, but this guy was feisty.

After the water, I relaxed on the beach, but Tyler took it to another level. He got a massage which was a good choice since it was in the shade and away from the biting bugs on the beach. (Paradise can have issues too.)

There was a sea lion show that we decided to watch. You had to wear masks, so we almost skipped it. But I'm glad we went. It was pretty cute. Most of it was in Spanish, but there were snippets in English. But sea lions jumping and barking are cool in any language. 

There was also a garden which was really cool to walk around. There were lots of statues and replications of Aztecan art. We posed and Jonny even crawled inside this little area. Brave man, there is no way I could climb into a dark space. 

We also saw some cute lizard friends.

It was a very nice, relaxing afternoon at Chankanaab. 

Back in the port area, there was a lot of shops and stores. I love me a little shopping so we walked around and I got some gifts for the girls. And I sat in a cow seat. Yay!

I'm sure we played games and had a wonderful evening, but we ran out of energy for pictures. So you just get a frog buddy. Good night and thanks for the fun, Cozumel.

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