Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Home Again, Home Again

(September 17th, 2021)

It's time to wrap up this cruise since I have lots of other blog posts patiently waiting to make their debut. We had so much fun and got lots of souvenirs and we were stuffed with good food and it was time to head back to real life. Plus, we had kids to take care of, I guess.

The last day is usually pretty chill. The ship is headed back and sometimes we check things off our bucket list. (Last time, for me, it was getting the fancy donut.) For the guys, this meant eating at the Sushi place. We ladies skipped it, but the men were super happy.

Naturally, we played a few more games, and look, we even got to go back to the library. (Apparently art only sells in the evenings.)

Even dinner meant experiments. You never know when you might have the chance for frog legs again, so Darin went for it. (I feel bad eating snails, so I can't extend it to frogs. Pearl might never forgive me.)

Whether you like it or not, they take pictures of you all the time onboard. You can look through them, but they are pricey. But I loved this one, so I took a picture of the picture. It reminds me how much fun I had and that I needed to lose a few pounds. (No, nothing serious, but I did come back from the cruise and started Noom and lost almost 20 pounds.)

I realize this picture looks weird, but I loved how the mirror lights in the cabin were reflected in my eyes. They almost look alien. I tried to take a picture, but I'm not sure the effect comes across.

And one more towel creature for the road. Is this a mollusk? Lobster guy? He's pretty cool. There must be a towel folding tutorial sight somewhere. 

Then we were back in Houston. We had a little time so we went to see a movie. (Nope, I can't remember which one) It was air conditioned and we could sit back and chill. (Cruising is hard work, people.) I liked that we went from one Lido to the next.

Then back to the airport. One last picture for the road. This cow says, "Safe travels and keep on mooooving."

It was such a wonderful cruise and I was so happy the Mosi could come with us. It was a party. It makes me want to watch the video again. If you want to, head back to THIS post.

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