Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Fête Day Con Salsa Verde

(September 9th, 2022)

Fete day is the best! We had a bit of a struggle getting it on the calendar this year since Ivory has been super busy. This made-up holiday has been such a joy throughout the years. Even June took the holiday all the way to the DR. 

I wanted to do PJs, but I was outvoted and we drew again and picked Green! That is great, since the last time we did Green, Ivory wasn't even a year old. So, fifteen years ago. It seemed fitting to give Green a chance again. We also opted to paint. We didn't invite another family this year but instead, everyone invited a friend. (Except me and Dad...we just took each other.)

As we waited for Shannon to arrive (she got lost) we played some Scream. The Cazier's did well, with Pearl and Ivory getting a win. 

Then when everyone arrived, we gave the specifics for the evening. Each person would paint with their buddy. Each pair would draw to see what type of pottery they would paint. And green had to be one of the colors you used. Also, you couldn't spend over a certain amount, so you would have to choose who would get the item after it was fired. 

We made a reservation at Color Me Mine and they saved us a big table. It was perfect. Let's introduce the pairs. This is Daisy and her friend Norah (who she met at FSY). They drew 'plate', but they had enough in the budget to each do one. You can see green is nicely featured on their dishes. 

Shannon and Robyn drew 'bowl' and likewise, they got two. They also used green to their advantage and decided to paint germs on their bowls. Awesome.

Ivory and Annika picked 'mug/cup' and they chose an awesome skeleton mug. They also decided Ivory would keep it, since Annika didn't have any room for it.

Brooklyn and Pearl drew 'miscellaneous'. They had a lot of options and chose a salt and pepper set. They each did one and drew flowers to get their green on there.

Me and Tyler drew 'seasonal'. We got a skull as well, and he had green although it wasn't the dominant color.

We had a really fun time painting together.

There were even some messages written to each other. 

All done. Let's see how they look. 

Daisy and Norah did a tribute on the back to their buds in their FSY company. 

Then it was back home to open gifts. I got to open first with green cupcakes from Annika. We all got some great green swag.

The ice cream cake made 9 nice slices, so I had a cupcake for dessert. Handy. I gave it a thumbs up.

And I just have to throw in here that Shannon was wearing spectacular shoes.

Fete day was a blast. Even though I forgot to get a group picture. I also forgot to get pictures of the finished products, but Tyler got them for me. I think everything turned out great. 

Happy Fete Day. See you again next year.

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