Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Quick Trip to the Evergreen State

(September 15-18th, 2022)

I am ashamed. I went to Washington to hang out with my family and I took basically zero pictures. The only pictures I really took were of bugs, because Daisy is working on her bug collection. (Because she really despises bugs the teacher allowed her to do a photo collection.)

I had a really great time. I watched a lot of Gilmore Girls with Miranda. I was kind of down on that show, but after watching some, it's kind of cute. I told her not to worry about my watching without her because I have no free time to watch TV. Maybe when I get caught up on the blog. (hysterical laughter)

I got to play some games with Mom and Tim. I destroyed them at Talisman and Mom got her revenge in Tales of the Arabian Nights. That was actually a really fun game that Tim and I tanked at, but we had a lot of laughs watching our characters gather more and more awful cards. I actually looked for it online later and they don't make it anymore. That's a shame. It was a party. 

We had friends over for dinner on two nights and I met a neighbor, Katie, who is a stellar human who used to do makeup for the Opera here in Utah. Epic. I also met Jim and Toby, who are constantly taking care of my family. They are also wonderful people and I counted meeting them as a bonus. You can see some of the projects Jim has done. He built a bridge across to Miranda's abode so Mom can get there more easily. 

And he also built the storage shed to house all the extra Dargan stuff. (Look at how nicely the shed matches. It looks like it was already there.) I'm actually fairly impressed that Mom and Dad don't have a storage unit anymore. That means all their stuff was whittled down to fit in the new space. I don't think you can properly appreciate how amazing that is.

I was sad that I could only stay a few days, but it was a really good time. I took a picture of myself as I left. (To be fair, my family doesn't love me taking pictures of them.)

Coming home on Sunday, Mom took me to the airport a little earlier. She was worried about traffic that didn't end up materializing. But boy was I glad I got there early when I saw the line for Security. I promise, you have never seen anything like it. It was so long and I kept trying to find the end. I eventually left the building and went across the sky bridge to the parking lot. The parking lot!! The line wound around the parking lot all over the place. People were taking pictures because none of us had ever seen the like. I heard later that several cruise ships disembarked at the same time, so the airport was overcrowded. (To say the least)

The line actually moved fairly steadily. After an hour I was already back across the bridge and in the original area, although it was still seven lanes across and packed to the brim, but I made it to my plane with time to spare. Thanks again for taking me early Mom.

It was so nice to come home to the kids and Tyler. You can tell they missed me too. They even decorated the house while I was gone. Just what I love to see when I come inside. A super creepy spider.

But wait, it's a whole army. And that is how I know I'm loved. My children were obviously thinking of me. 

I'll miss you Dargans and I hope to visit again soon. The evergreen state will always hold a piece of my heart.

1 comment:

  1. I had clients who ended up in that line and it inspired them to get TSA pre check. ✅
