Sunday, September 4, 2022

Fat August Chatbook 2022

This chatbook is fatter than usual, because we did a lot of things that didn't quite warrant their own post, but should still be documented. The last post was also a chatbook from a year ago and this is current, but I bet you'll  be able to see some similarities. August is still August after all. Summer ends, school starts, life goes on. Let's dive right into last month and all the fun tidbits that make life worth living. 

We got together as camp ladies to celebrate some birthdays, hang out and eat treats. These ladies are amazing and I am so blessed to work with them. We had a more official meeting later where some "camp" awards were handed out. (Alissa was so cute to come up with them.) I got the 'Light Bulb' award since I came up with most of our roll calls, the skit, and many ideas that contributed to camp. I totally credit my mom with giving me a boat load of creativity when it comes to stuff like that. I'm glad I can use it to help others.

Pearl found these little guys in the yard. Can you tell what they are? I thought they were some type of berry off a bush, but they are super tiny onions. When you smelled them, you could tell exactly what they were.

Weather is always fun in August with summer storms, thunder, and lightning. Which often leads to beautiful rainbows. Pearl and I were out shopping so we stopped to get a picture with this double rainbow.

Pearl has great hair. It is long and thick. She doesn't always love it since it gets tangled, but look how luxurious it is when she takes it out of braids and it is wavy. So pretty.

I already showed you my library displays, but I found this picture that Dad took of everyone helping me. It went so much faster with extra hands and the girls make everything look better.

A friend of the family got married. This is Anna. She was friends with June when they were in elementary school. They since haven't seen each other in over a decade but I've stayed in touch with the family. It was so fun to go to her wedding, but weird to think that people June's age are getting married.

 Haha. I saw this award at Zurcher's and laughed out loud. I wonder which of the girls would get it?

Speaking of family friends, we haven't seen the Wright's in a long time. They were in town and came over to play games and it was a party. We had such a fun time. Their kids are getting tall and so grown up and they were all so fun. We played Bang Dice and Moods, which led to lots of laughter. Good times. I'm so glad you came to see us Kari!

Daisy went to FSY the last week you could go and had a great time. She went with Lizzie and I dropped them off and got them situated on Monday. Daisy basically refused to do a blog post for me, stinker. But Lizzie sent me pictures every day (as I requested) so you can still see that she had a great time. The last picture is payback for not blogging for me.

Pearl says I need to do an entire post about Nova. It would be easy to do since the kids take so many pictures of her. There is no lack of photographic evidence that she is adored around here. But she doesn't get her own post. Just a spotlight here. Ivory got Nova a new stuffed squeaky toy. She disemboweled it slowly like she does with all stuffed animals. It was cute to see how attached she was. 

Ivory started volunteering at Primary Children's Hospital. It took her a long time to get through the vetting process and get cleared to go. I'm going out on a limb by saying that they aren't incredibly organized when it comes to their younger volunteers, but all the ducks finally lined up. Ivory is super responsible and takes the train up and back. I went with her the first time to make sure she knew where to switch. She gets to wear a cool green volunteer coat. And even though I often thinks she looks young, she looks much older wearing her coat and mask. 

Duo has this fun new thing (started a few months ago) they do where they match you up with a friend and you do a quest together. I like to see who I get matched up with each week and I thought it was so fun when I was matched up with Hermana Keen!! She is serving in Mexico, but we were Duo buddies for a week.

Ivory will eventually blog about her week in ID, but I don't know if she'll mention the spoon rings. When Tyler went up to get her, they both made a ring. Dad made one for me and he got my ring size exactly right because he knows exactly how big my wedding ring is. It goes to the first knuckle on his pinky. (That's so romantic.) My ring is the left one. I think they are so cute.

We went to see The Sound of Music at the outdoor theater. It was actually amazing. The lady who played Maria had a fantastic voice. But it started to rain and didn't stop. We brought stuff to keep out the wet, but it was too much wet. I believe they finished the show, but we left at intermission. It makes sense since it was closing night, so it's not like they could give us tickets to come back.

I went to Education week. I often go with someone, but this time I went by my lonesome, although I ran into Amy Ahlander and Krystal Bockholt, so I wasn't that lonely. I got to listen to some really great speakers and I was inspired. It was crazy to go during the first week of school. I was almost never home and I got home after 10 pm every night. It definitely is a trade off. But I'm glad I went.

Look at this cutie. Pearl is really liking Junior High. She is sassy and smart and balancing a lot of stuff. I'm very proud of her and I love having her at school. She got a new lanyard for school and wore dangly earrings for her school pictures. She is growing up.

New school year usually means new glasses. We always update prescriptions so everyone can see. (It's kind of important.) These two are looking great in their new specs. Robyn ordered the weirdest glasses ever, but they seem to fit her odd personality.

We got together with the Neilsen's and Jett's. It has been way too long. Jenaca moved back to Utah, so hopefully we'll see her a bit more often. Camille finished her pool a while ago, but this is the first time I got to see it. It is gorgeous and I'm so happy she has it. I think they use it every day. We had such a fun evening swimming and catching up.

Tyler and I are trying to be better about date nights. (Advice from Ed week) We tried out the Crack Shack with was actually quite delicious. We also went walking from Vivian Park to Bridal Veil. We dropped the kids off on one side and passed them on the way. Then they picked us up after they got the car. It was my creative way to get the kids outside, but also get Tyler to myself. 

Daisy tried a fancy hairdo on me. It actually looked really cool from the back. From the side, you could tell that I don't have enough hair to pull it off. But in this picture, it looks elegant.

Silly mustache Daisy. 

Robyn is doing well at Grease Monkey. I think she is working hard. Some days if they aren't busy enough, she comes home early, but I don't think she minds that either. And I like that she gets to see J. I wish we all saw him more.

A couple of the girls went to a carnival type night at the park. There was cotton candy, balloon animals, and giant inflated goats? 

As fun as the game Cashflow is not, there is still a large crowd of people that enjoy playing it. Tyler had to take a picture to prove that this many people wanted to spend their evening playing a finance game. But that's what you get when you hang out with investors. 

We caught up with Rubia this month. She told us all about Hawaii, and Robyn told her all about Africa. Rubia has also been to Africa, so she really gets the stories.

I thought we were done with the mice. We haven't seen any since March, I think. (And yes, you don't know about them because I haven't blogged about them yet.) But Robyn's self portrait made with chocolate enticed one back in. But we caught him fairly quickly. Ivory named him Isaac and released him down by the lake. This isn't a great picture, but it's all I saw of him.

Okay you Barbie fans. Name that movie. Bonus points if you can name the characters.*

I came home one night and Tyler was teaching the kids Texas hold'em. The kids actually caught on really quickly. And Robyn was the big winner that night. She got everyone's chips. I'm not sure how I feel about it all. Poker is all fine at home. Let's just keep it that way.

That's it folks. August is all wrapped up. And life is creeping toward fall. It's one of the best times of year, so I'm looking forward to it.

* Barbie and the Diamond Castle. (Liana, Alexa, and Melody)

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