Saturday, September 3, 2022

August Chatbook 2021

It's time to put some months behind us. Let's start with last year's August and get that firmly in the rearview mirror. 

Last year it was much harder to get an appointment at the temple because of lasting Covid restrictions, so it was a special day to be at the temple.

June made a mug at Color Me Mine with the cutest avocados on it. I immediately stole it and took it to work and have had it there since. I keep pencils in it that the students can use and it makes me happy every time I see it.

We had some red sun evenings. Is that from pollution?

Robyn had her last year of Marching Band coming up. She always makes cool shirts for the Pit. They are going to miss her when she's gone. This one spotlighted the Zirbel. It's a percussion thing.

We went to our ward campout, although we didn't camp. But we did have a lot of fun playing Bocce ball with a neat silver set. 

June spent another month calling Isaac on her phone. Long distance relationships are so fun.

I gave up on making lunches, since I knew I wouldn't have time if I needed to get myself ready for school, so Pearl took over making her own lunches and Tyler made her Dad-Joke lunch bags all year. Maybe I'll do a whole post with lunch bags sometime?

Nova still finds the weirdest places to get cozy. That doesn't even look comfortable.

Isaac, in Alaska, was finding his own wildlife. He'd send pictures to June of bears, whales, fish, and all sorts of stuff. There was even a tame deer on the island where he was working. You can see they are buds.

Here's a little henna love. Every time I see henna pictures, I want to get more out and have Robyn draw something on me.

This art piece was in an airport? I can't even remember where Tyler was when he took these pictures. But it looks so cool. It was made out of linen bound sketch books.

Snuggle buddies.

Ivory can climb up the trees onto the roof whenever she wants. That's how we get this cool bird's eye view of the trampoline. She also did some fun nature art up there.

The kids went to Splash summit. I didn't take them since I try to avoid that place, but it looks like they had a great time.

Ivory started High School and got into all the fun activities. Honestly, it's probably more fun if you join the crazies.

This hair is awesome.

I moved all my stuff out of the copy room as I transitioned over to the library. Robyn made one last outfit for the voodoo doll. It was her last hurrah. (I'm pretty sure the next lady threw her out since I never saw her again, but she went out with style.)

Robyn did some paint on my eyelids. It was hilarious and I went to book group that evening and no one could take me seriously.

If there were a vanity contest between Ivory and Robyn to see who took the most selfies, Robyn would have won last year. This year, Ivory is giving her a run for her money. I just enjoy looking through and laughing to myself. (In my day, you wouldn't waste film that way. It was too expensive.)

Robyn found a reflective sheet and did a snail photo shoot. I'm not sure it turned out like she wanted, but I sure thought it was cool.

Found this screen shot on Robyn's phone and laughed enough that it made the blog.

Ivory did ballroom and they start the year with a photo shoot. I don't know where the actual pictures went. (I'll have to search) But here are a couple behind the scenes pictures.

It hailed. Yep, August hail. That's always cool.

And June's thumb healed. Our bodies are so cool. She practically sliced that thing off at the beginning of the month and by the end of the month, you could hardly tell. 

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